Hi everyone,
I have three sites that hang off a single database: One central site
to edit information and two browse-only sites which aggregate the
information. Previously I have been doing this by exposing a simple
web service on the central site and having the other two sites consume
and transform that without knowing about the database. The site isn't
massively complex. I'm turning this into Lift (from PHP).

They are giving different views of different subsets of the data and
shoudl be completely separate. The reason for the separation is ...

So I was thinking of the two view-only sites being complete lift sites
that talk to the database. The only thing in common would be the

Should I
1 - copy and paste model source code so they compile into different
2 - symlink the model source directories so they compile as #1
3 - somehow add references to the central compiled model objects (add
a classpath?)
4 - something else?

Apologies, I've spent too much time in .NET land and I've forgotten
some Java vocab...


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