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----- Original Message ----- From: "Trevor Daniels" <>
To: "eluze" <>
Sent: Sunday, September 05, 2010 12:08 AM
Subject: Re:

eluze wrote Saturday, September 04, 2010 10:36 PM

thanks Trevor - that works!
now i am eager to know what is behind it!!!

OK.  As part of the UAC security measures introduced
in Vista (or maybe NT, I'm not sure) "ordinary"
programmes were prevented from writing to /Program
Files.  But this meant that many applications failed
as they were designed to save data within their installation
directory, which was of course in /Program Files.
To get round this, VirtualStore was introduced:
when an application attempted to write to a directory
in /Program Files it was instead written in the
VirtualStore.  And when an application attempts to
read from /Program Files it looks first in VirtualStore.

With me so far?  But this also affects program loading
from a Command window, so when you load LilyPond from
/Program Files it first looks for a copy in VirtualStore
and loads that preferentially.  That explains why calls
to lilypond failed (they used whatever was in VirtualStore)
but calls to lilypond2.13.31 worked (because there was no
such program in VirtualStore the correct one in
/Program Files was loaded.)

It remains to explain how an (old) copy of LilyPond
got into the VirtualStore.  I don't know precisely,
but if an application like an editor saves a file to
any directory in /Program Files it will instead be
saved in VirtualStore, so maybe at some stage you saved
a file called lilypond by mistake in this way.  If you
really want to change a file in /Program Files you must
do it by copy/paste with Windows Explorer, which is
permitted to save to /Program Files direct.


Am 04.09.2010, 22:30 Uhr, schrieb Trevor Daniels <>:

Eluze wrote Saturday, September 04, 2010 12:40 PM

now i found that it works if i rename the lilypond file and start lilypond
with the full specification:

"c:\program files\lilypond2.13.32\usr\bin\lilypond"

but not with

"c:\program files\lilypond\usr\bin\lilypond"
lilypond -dinclude-settings=c:/data/ly/includes/

Hhm.  A bit of a long shot, but have a look in

~/AppData/Local/VirtualStore/Program Files

Is there a LilyPond directory there?  If so,
delete it and try again.  If that works I'll
explain why :)


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