Hi Carl

I can't resist adding my tuppence-worth :)

You wrote 07/02/2018 15:18:55

If we want to capture semantics properly, I believe we need to recognize that there are three different kinds of marks:

1) "jump-from" marks (D.S. al ..., D.C. al ..., To Coda)
2) "jump-to" marks (Segno, beginning of piece, coda)
3) "stop playing" marks (Fine, end of piece)

But if we try to capture all three semantics in a single mark, our prospective MIDI performer would need to analyze the mark to decide which kind it was. And since we can do whatever we want with the mark by changing the markup, it seems like we need three *different* marks. My initial proposal if we want to go the functional route would be to use

I really don't like \depart, and as all three are marks as well as potential semantic elements I would suggest

\gotoMark ID sign or \flowMark  ID sign
\locationMark  ID sign or \placeMark ID sign
\endMark  sign


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