How can I modify the horizontal space between notes?

\score {
        \context Staff = Antifona {
                \property Staff.autoBeaming = ##f
                \property Staff.automaticMelismata = ##t
                \property Staff.TimeSignature = \turnOff
                \relative c' {
                        \clef treble
                        \property Voice.Stem \set #'thickness = #0.0
                        f4 d f f [e( )d] e [e( )f] g f g e f d c c d d d c d f f f f f 
f [d( )f] e
                        \bar "|."
        \context Lyrics
                \lyrics {
                        To- da la tie- rra te a- do- ra, Di- os, y sal- mo- dia pa- ra 
ti, can- ta
sal- mos a tu nom- bre, Se- nor.

Oscar A. Valdez

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