On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 4:41 PM, Simon Albrecht <simon.albre...@mail.de>

> On 27.06.2017 05:47, Brin Solomon wrote:
>> Is there a way to send an arbitrary rhythmic value (i.e. one that can't
>> be described with the 8, 4, 4., etc system) to the
>> Completion_heads_engraver,
> Just write your durations like
> { c8*17 }
> and the Completion_heads_engraver will handle them fine.
> Best, Simon

Hi Simon,

That's very close to what I need! The only time it doesn't work is when the
note doesn't wind up crossing a bar line: If I'm in 4/4 and write "c8*5" on
the downbeat, I get something that looks like an eighth note instead of a
half tied to an eighth. Is there a way to force that expansion, or should I
look into Abjad as Nathan suggested?

Many thanks,
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