a question on the Frescobaldi mailing list got me thinking: is it possible (or
could it be made possible with reasonable effort) to attach a debugger to a
LilyPond compilation process?
Probably there would be quite some managing to be done because there's no
simple relation of code steps l
Hi Aaron,
thank you for looking into it. I think I'll get along with the suggestion in
the current score, but I'll also file a bug report because I think this should
not happen in the first place, and the notation is not terribly excentrly ...
24. September 2019 19:23, "Aaron Hill" s
Am Di., 24. Sept. 2019 um 12:06 Uhr schrieb Michael Käppler :
> Hi Harm,
> many thanks for your advice!
> The \table command was completely new to me.
> Here is my current state of work:
> #(define (mm->staff-spaces mm)
> (let ((ss (ly:output-def-lookup $defaultpaper 'staff-space)))
On 2019-09-24 9:35 am, Urs Liska wrote:
Is there any reason why the slrus in the attached example come out the
way they do (i.e. so horizontal, with the left edge being so far away
from the notehead)?
Seems to be a combination of slurring identical pitches and the
articulation on the one note.
Is there any reason why the slrus in the attached example come out the way they
do (i.e. so horizontal, with the left edge being so far away from the notehead)?
What would be the best way to deal with that? Of course I could \shape them
individually, but there's a lot of them in the scores, so I
Hi Harm,
many thanks for your advice!
The \table command was completely new to me.
Here is my current state of work:
#(define (mm->staff-spaces mm)
(let ((ss (ly:output-def-lookup $defaultpaper 'staff-space)))
(/ mm ss)))
#(define musiclist (list
#{ { \clef bass e'4 }
[As a side note: Calling `lilypond guile-debugger.ly' using the
MacPorts `lilypond-devel' port works just fine on my old MacOS Lion.]
> I'm afraid the information I see at
> https://github.com/lilypond/lilypond/blob/master/Documentation/usage/running.itely
> ,
> or at
> http://partitura.org/wp-c