Kievan_ligature_engraver for normal staff

2016-06-15 Thread Светлана Лобанова
Dear lilypond experts! I make kievan notes and their transcription with common noteheads from one source. I'd like to make spacing in normal staff, like in kievan, and found in docs about \consists "Kievan_ligature_engraver" (

Re: Formatting two lyrics contexts without staff

2016-06-13 Thread Светлана Лобанова
Thank you!This is very simple and solves most problems and David's solution is also good for other reasons, now I have choise to make it perfect.-- Svetlana13.06.2016, 20:34, "Francisco Vila" : 2016-06-13 18:31 GMT+02:00 Svetlana Lobanova :  Dear lilypond user

Re: New to Lilypond - including score in LaTeX

2015-10-09 Thread Светлана Лобанова
-load-fonts -dinclude-eps-fonts -dno-aux-files"). Then I include all of them as pdf images in .tex. The drawback is when you have multi-page score you will need to include them page-by-page. --  С уважением, Светлана Лобанова +79036683074 09.10.2015, 03:40, "Felix Yeung