ir} b4 e8, a4 a8 gis4 r8 b8 gis e a fis d
cis4 gis' a,4. e'8 fis (e) fis4 cis8
b e d b cis4 fis a8 gis4. \breathe fis4 e gis8 fis ~ fis4. r4
\fermata c8^\markup {\italic "slightly slower"} ~ c
\bar "|."
On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 9:17 AM, Jonas Müthing
Hej Jay,
look for your last quotation mark in the file. It looks as if you have
forgotten to close a section within quotation marks, therefore
lilypond thinks that all of this %r8 \fermata ^\markup {\italic \tiny
still is some text that it should write in the score and that "an uh
Hello Frank,
an R is not a rest for Lilypond but a multi-measure rest. Therefore
you need to change the staff-position of that with the \override
command (to be inserted directly before the R:
\override MultiMeasureRest #'staff-position = #-1
The number indicates the number of staff-spaces
Hello list,
I'm writing a piece in which I have four speakers with megaphones. To
indicate if the megaphone is used or not I use a circle with an M in it.
\markup { \circle { \pad-markup #.5 \bold M } }
This is supposed to indicate that the megaphone is to be used. If it's
not to be used I
by using the following in your Staff, you can define which interfaces
decide whether a line is active or not. If you add the rest-interface
to the list, it should keep the lines alive.
\set Staff.keepAliveInterfaces = #'(
Hi out there,
I am typesetting a piece in which one slur ends on a note while a new
one starts on exactly the same note. Lilypond lets both slurs end on
exactly the same spot, so that there is no white space between the two
slurs which does not look very nice. Is there a way to seperate the
Hi Marek,
I think that what you're looking for is this:
Am 19.08.2010 um 21:25 schrieb Marek Klein:
I would like to get even horizontal spacing for all notes
disregarding the duration.
For example f
Hi out there,
I have the following problem: Lilypond has the rather unusual standard
behaviour of printing hairpins, ties etc at line breaks right into the
bar line. This is not the normal way to do it, if you look at
traditionally engraved music, these signs end just before the bar
+0200, Jonas Müthing wrote:
When a slur goes over more than one line, the lilypond prints the
into the last bar line and starts the slur on the next line very
to the key signature. I would like to change this an achieve a result
similair to the tie-behaviour. Is there any way to do so
Hello lily-users,
I have the following problem: I need to layout some music for a
scientific publication and the author of the article wants a few
general changes on the layout. Right now there is own main problem I
seem not to be able to solve:
When a slur goes over more than one line, t
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