
I'm using 2.2.5 and I've set up a vocal SATB score in which all voices part
for the introduction and join for the rest of the piece.

My questions:

1. The piece consists of more than one stanza. How do I set a slur over a
word that is to be sung on one note (I don't want to use a tie or a slur on
the note because the melody should remain inert)?

2. What is the best solution to deal with several voices singing the same
lyrics? My current solution is to pick a voice whose rythm matches the other
voices and to assign lyrics to this voice via lyricsto. In my example tenore
and basso share the same text as well as soprano and alto.

3. How would you set the voices for the polyphonic part? I use for example
two voices for soprano and when it comes to the homophonic part I switch the
behaviour of rest marks with the \oneVoice command.
When I used three different voices (soprano I, soprano II, tutti soprani),
lyrics weren't positioned well. Lyrics for both the polyphonic part and the
homophonic part should be on the same line but with a three voice
arrangement this wasn't the case.

4. Why do you have to use
    \context Lyrics = stanzaOne { s1 }
    \context Lyrics = stanzaTwo { s1 }
instead of
    \context Lyrics \lyrics {
    \new Lyrics ...
    \new Lyrics ...
? The latter arrangement places lyrics on the wrong position.

5. I tried to install 2.3.18 on my debian sarge but when I started lilypond
I received a stack error. Should I install this font package you mention on
the download page although it wasn't required by apt-get or is it again
something wrong with the texmf environment? This is a minor problem but I
can post the whole error message.

Thanks in advance,

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