LOG file is attached as requested.

I ran the regtool command you suggested. Now, if I tell windows open the test.ly file with bash, it almost works. It invokes lily-wins, but produces an error message when it tries to execute the following command:

cygpath -aw /cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/Mike/Desktop/test

I think the problem is that the file name contains spaces.
Everything works OK if I put test.ly in the C:\ directory.

I guess some quotes are missing somewhere!

Thanks for your help.

Han-Wen Nienhuys writes:

Many thanks for your help. I updated to 1.8.2 as you suggested, but
still cannot double-click to process the file. Any suggestions? What
program should Windows invoke when I open the file?

It should use /cygwin/bin/bash to invoke /usr/bin/lily-wins, see the file


This is the magick command:

regtool set '/root/LilyPond/shell/open/command/' $ROOT'\bin\bash.exe --login -c '"'"'/usr/bin/lily-wins "%1"'"'"

Could you run:

bash -x /etc/postinstall/post-lilypond.sh* > LOG 2>&1

and if that does not help, send LOG to this list?

+ touch /tmp/.lilypond-install
++ find /var/lib/texmf /var/spool/texmf -name /var/cache/fonts 'feta*pk' -or -name 
'feta*tfm' -or -name 'parmesan*pk' -or -name 'parmesan*tfm'
find: paths must precede expression
Usage: find [path...] [expression]
+ rm
rm: too few arguments
Try `rm --help' for more information.
+ rm -f /tmp/.lilypond-install
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