2015-05-21 13:54 GMT+01:00 Kieren MacMillan <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca>:

> May I ask why you’re not using Lilypond’s built-in (and generallly
> excellent) voice-handling? e.g. In the modified snippet (below), I’m using
> \voiceOne, \voiceTwo, etc., which eliminates the need for \stemUp,
> \tieDown, etc., and appears (to my eye) to eliminate all note collisions.

Simply because, I'm learning Lilypond since only a few days.

Your solution avoids the collision at the third measure, but introduces an
horizontal shift at the fourth measure, which I'd like to prevent. Is it

> p.s. Also note that I abstracted your note code from your score code — it
> is so much easier to read and debug this way, in my opinion, and it keeps
> the score block as clean and simple as possible.

Thank you very much for your advice. As a beginner, where can I learn how
to write a better code?

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