
First of all, thanks for your wonderful LilyPond !

Little question about emacs, vim and Lilypond. I could get emacs syntax coloring, and also thanks to Nicolas Sceaux, get lyqi to work. But, it's probably a newbie question, LilyPond does'nt launch when I try to typeset (C-c C-c). Here is what I get :

-*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "~/Documents/ LilyPondTesting/" -*-
Compilation started at Tue Dec 25 20:00:37

lilypond /Users/vincentlequang/Documents/LilyPondTesting/SegdoH.ly
/bin/bash: line 1: lilypond: command not found

Compilation exited abnormally with code 127 at Tue Dec 25 20:00:37

I'm using Aquamacs on OSX Tiger, and added the lines in my .emacs as said in the emacs mode page in LilyPond documentation

Other question, concerning Vim (7.0) (I should choose, I know) : I try to install as said in the same documentation. But I don't even get syntax coloring...

Could anybody help ?

Vincent LQ

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