I have been considering how nice it would be if lilypond had appropriate grobs 
for setting music in the style of the Synodal Chant Books of the Russian 
Orthodox Church. Its looks like this:


This adaption of western staff-notation was used in Russian Chant books from 
the mid 17th century until the beginning of the 20th. Many of these books are 
still printed today and used in Russian Orthodox Monasteries (like mine) and 
a few parishes. I mostly set chants in English and I would like to be able to 
reproduce the style of my sources at lilypond's level of quality. Of course, 
the desire is somewhat antiquarian, but there are also some real practical 
advantages to the quadratic notation, especially for very long, melismatic 

If I someone can make the grobs necessary for this (there are around ten, not 
all in this example) then I think I could work out the spacing, 
line-thicknesses etc. If the developers wanted to include it in the Lilypond 
package, then with some help I could put together a kievan-init.ly and write 
a page or two for the documentation.

So how much would it cost to have these symbols added to lilypond, and/or 
existing symbols appropriately altered? I'm asking the developers first, and 
then anyone else who is able to do this kind of thing. If I get a response 
with a cost-estimate I will send a written specification (pointing out things 
that might not be obvious) and start looking for others who are interested 
(if that's necessary).

Thank you for your wonderful work and kind help.

Monk Panteleimon
Hermitage of the Holy Cross
Wayne, WV USA

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