Hi all

reviving an old problem here...

If I compile the following with -dbackend=eps the beam is not visible

Attachment: test.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

I’ve tried 2.19.39 as well, same problem

Eluze’s 2012 suggestion of adding \markup “ “ to the end of the file does make the beam visible, but adds too much whitespace below the image

any other ways to get round this? - I know I can crop the pdf externally, but I’d like the files cropped at the Lily stage as they change frequently. 

\header{ tagline = "" }
\version "2.18.2"

RH = { \crossStaff { <c''' e'''> } }

LH = { \clef bass \stemDown
  \override Beam #'positions = #'(-8 . -8)
  c,8[ \change Staff = "right" g'] }

\layout {
  \context { \StaffGroup \consists #Span_stem_engraver } 

\score {<<
  \new StaffGroup{<<
    \new Staff = "right" { \RH }
    \new Staff = "left" {\LH }

thanks again


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