
I just created a new release (1.6) of Spontini-Editor.


It is still under test: then, it is not yet included inside the "releases"
page of the project, but it should already work and you can download it
from the main page.

The important news of this release are two:

1) A ruler (in the style of Inkscape) and two pairs of draggable axes have
been added. Through these tools it is possible to measure distances both in
staff spaces and in the unit of measurement set during the creation of the
score (mm, cm or in); it is also possible to check the alignments of the
various grobs on the score. These tools are very useful when, in the final
phase of creating the scores, it is necessary to verify that ALL the
objects are strictly in their right place.

2) I added a tool that compiles "on the fly" chunks of code, without
generating the output, by selecting with the mouse the corresponding text
on the editor. In the previous release there was already a tool to compile
single sections of the score. The new tool allows you to compile on the
fly, in a very short time, single measures within the sections: in this
way, if a section takes a long time to compile and eventually produces an
error, it is possible to correct the error on the single bar, quickly check
that the bar no longer gives errors with the new tool and then compile the
entire section safely.
Of course, the small fragments can be compiled together with two common
parts of the score, placed at the beginning and at the end: therefore they
will not create problems in dependencies with other parts of the code.
Through this system, you avoid wasting time due to typos. And we know that
these typos are very frequent.

See ("Ruler" and "Compile chunks of score" paragraphs):



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