Re: Chords with multiple glissandos

2009-09-17 Thread Marc Hohl
David Stocker schrieb: Thanks Kieren. I actually do need the chords expressed as one "voice". I'll look through the list archives and see if I can use your solution. Thanks, David Kieren MacMillan wrote: Hi David, Is there any way to make this work, so that both sets of notes are connect

Re: Chords with multiple glissandos

2009-09-17 Thread David Stocker
Thanks Kieren. I actually do need the chords expressed as one "voice". I'll look through the list archives and see if I can use your solution. Thanks, David Kieren MacMillan wrote: Hi David, Is there any way to make this work, so that both sets of notes are connected with glissandos? If

Re: Chords with multiple glissandos

2009-09-17 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi David, Is there any way to make this work, so that both sets of notes are connected with glissandos? If you correct your polyphonic code, it works fine: \version "2.13.3" \include "" \paper { ragged-right = ##f } \relative c'' { cs1 << { \voiceOne cs4 \glissando b \glissan

Chords with multiple glissandos

2009-09-17 Thread David Stocker
Is there any way to make this work, so that both sets of notes are connected with glissandos? **minimal example** \version "2.13" \include "" \paper { ragged-right = ##f } \relative c'' { cs1 << {cs4 \glissando b \glissando cs2} {gs4 \glissando fs \glissando gs2} >> } **