> "Nick" == Nick Busigin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Nick> I am interested in changing the naming of jazz chords for some
Nick> lead sheets we are working on. For example, I'd like to use
Nick> the following construct to print out chord names above a
Nick> melody:
Nick> \context
On Fri, 2 Jan 2004, Nick Busigin wrote:
> I am interested in changing the naming of jazz chords for some lead
> sheets we are working on.For example, I'd like to use the following
> construct to print out chord names above a melody:
> \context ChordNames \chords { a2:min7 fis:min7.5- g:9+
I am interested in changing the naming of jazz chords for some lead
sheets we are working on.For example, I'd like to use the following
construct to print out chord names above a melody:
\context ChordNames \chords { a2:min7 fis:min7.5- g:9+ e:m5-.7 }
but with over-rides for a few of