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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Internet-style quoting (was: A request on behalf of Turkish Music)
Date: 2020-04-14 4:28 pm
From: Carl Sorensen <>
To: Aaron Hill <>

Unfortunately, as is shown in the thread that Aaron refers to in his excellent response, Outlook for Mac does not support setting the indent character; the only thing we have available is indentation.

After all, why would anybody want to do anything other than top-posting? (

I've been fighting with this for a couple of years (since I was forced by the University to move from Outlook 2007 to Outlook 2016). I've tried lots of things to make it work better, with no success.

I need to use Outlook with my work email, and I am loathe to work with multiple clients -- I lose track of things too easily that way.

I guess it's time to go to my gmail account for my work with LilyPond.



On 4/14/20, 1:41 PM, "Aaron Hill" <> wrote:

On 2020-04-14 12:17 pm, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
[Carl, could you somehow improve the layout of your responses?  If I
 view the plain text version of your e-mails, it's completely
 impossible to differentiate between quoted material and your reply.
 But even in the HTML version I have such difficulties...

 What about using the classic '>' delimiter for quoted stuff (and a
 series of them for nested quotes)?]

Seems to be an artifact of Outlook that does not use Internet-style
quoting by default.

for details.

-- Aaron Hill

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