Mats Bengtsson wrote
> Graham Percival wrote:
> >
> > The strong editorial decision from a few months
> ago is this:
> >
> > Notation Reference: defines the lilypond input syntax.
> I think it describes a lot more than just the syntax.
>    /Mats
I do too.  I wonder if it might be useful to discuss
and find a consensus on what the purpose of the NR is
in rather more detail?  Here's a strawman specification
to knock about if people think a specification might
be useful to guide documentation writers in the future.

"The Notation Reference aims to provides accurate and
complete information (in several presentational formats) to
enable users to reproduce anything in a score found on their
bookshelves.  It assumes the user has mastered the concepts
introduced in the Learning Manual, particularly the way in
which a LilyPond score is structured, but does not rely on
the Learning Manual for any informational content.  The
primary purpose is to enable users to understand and modify
the statements in the templates to meet their needs, or to
construct their own scores from scratch.  As a reference
manual, the material is grouped logically into thematical
sections; unlike the Learning Manual it is not intended to
be read sequentially.  The purpose of every LilyPond command
is explained and demonstrated in a brief example to show its
syntax and effect.  Cross-references are provided to more
substantial examples which show the use of the commands in a
more realistic context, and to the technical descriptions of
the various cammands in the Internals Reference.  The manual
is indexed with both LilyPond and musical terms."

Trevor D
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