Hi folks,
I run into a problem with a grace note.
It seems to be the problem described in NR 1.2.6, while here it is a time signature that is printed twice. In the NR it says to add corresponding skip graces to the other staves, but that doesn't seem to work in my case.
Maybe it has to do with the fact that I have more than one voice per staff?

This is how the measure is written:

Voice One:
\time 3/4
    \grace { s8 }
\times 2/3 { <cis cis'>8( <h h'> <a a'> <gis gis'> <fis fis'> <e e'> dis' gis, dis'~ | %17

Voice Two:
\time 3/4
    \grace { s8 } gis'4 h, e,\< |%17

Voice Three:
\time 3/4
  \grace { s8 }
<e, gis h>2 \oneVoice <h h'>4( | %17

Voice Four:
  \time 3/4
  \grace { <h, h'>8~ } \voiceTwo q2 s4 | %17

If I only put these additional graces in one voice per staff it's the same.
Does anybody notice what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance

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