Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Henrik Frisk wrote:
>  > In any event I was about to put up a feature request for an
>    implementation for l.v.
>  > a while ago but never got around to it.
> Would you like me to send you a quote for that?

Yes, sure, I'd be interested. Kilian?
> > It could easily be done by 
>  > adding glyphs to the feta font with noteheads with short ties
>    attached to
>  > them (that method has some drawbacks though...).
> I would use the new implementation of TieColumn, because then I can
> reuse all that formatting code.
Speaking of TieColumn, how do I use it in a polyphonic context (multiple 
In the following example it doesn't do anything (It does if I remove the upper 

%%%%%%%%%%%%% BEGIN SNIPPET %%%%%%%%%

\version "2.7.7"

\score {
   \new Staff <<
     \relative c'' {
\time 6/8
      s4. <ais' bis'>4.~ 
      \set Score.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 9 8)
      <ais bis'>4.~ \hideNotes <ais bis'>4. \unHideNotes
    } \\
      <cis, d>2.~ 
      \override Voice.TieColumn #'tie-configuration =
      #'((0 . -1)  (2 . 1))
      <cis d>4.~ \hideNotes <cis d>4. \unHideNotes
    } \\ 
  s4. \bar "||"
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END SNIPPET %%%%%%%%%


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