\include "arabic.ly"
\relative do' {
  \set Staff.keyAlterations = #`(
    (0 . ,SEMI-FLAT)
    (1 . ,SEMI-FLAT)
    (2 . ,FLAT)
    (5 . ,FLAT)
    (6 . ,SEMI-FLAT)
  %\set Staff.extraNatural = ##f
  re reb \dwn reb resd
  dod dob dosd \dwn dob |
  dobsb dodsd do do |

The key accidentals in this example are shown in the turkish notation version. Is there any chance to get the key accidentals in the arabic view with the slashed half accidental, as with

dwn = {
  \once \override Voice.Accidental.stencil = #(lambda (grob)
    (ly:accidental-interface::print grob) Y UP
    (grob-interpret-markup grob (markup #:line
          (#:fontsize -1 (#:musicglyph "flags.ugrace")))) -1.3))

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