Version 2.4.2 of the LilyPond exporting musical score editor NoteEdit is available:

New features:

        - Problems with Flex-2.5.x fixed.
          The new Flex begins to behave according to
          its documentation. This causes problems during
          file reading: All dotted notes are wrong.
          This in turn leads to totally idiotic and unaligned scores.

        - MusiXTeX export with choices for character coding:

                1. selection the module fonts TeX (T2A, OT2, OT1...)
                2. selection the locale file (latin1, cp1251, koi8-u, koi8-r...)
                3. additional selection of package ucs for UTF-8 

         This sould make it possible to work with international
         character sets. Don't ask me too much about this topic!
         All I know is: 
         T2A + cp1251 + UTF-8 produces Russian (Cyrillic) texts. 
         T2A + ucs + UTF-8 produces Urkrainian texts.

         If you have problems with your character set and you know
         what to do: Let me know!

        - In similar manner the LilyPond export dialog now
          shows a choice between ASCII, latin1, utf8
          and unicode text coding. Perhaps this can contribute
          to internationalization.(?)

        - a terrible slur bug which prevented saved .not
          files from being loaded  is fixed

        - Restoring slurs in graces should work. This can lead to
          problems for MUP users. The reason is: I want to keep
          the NoteEdit storage format as MUP-able as possible.

          Actually slurs over more than one note are made 
          by so-called "phrases" by giving the start and stop time
          in terms of the current denominator
          of the time signature.
          For instance slur from 1st to 4th quarter in 4/4 measure:

        1: 4c; 4d; 4e; 4f; 
        phrase  1: 1 til 3;

          Unfortunatly, graces have all the same start time and
          the main note has also the same start time:

        1: [grace] 8c; [grace] 8d; [grace] 8e; 4f;
        phrase 1 til 1

          This gives nonsense. So, I "extended" the MUP syntax.
          Of course, the result is not MUP-able.

      - MusicXML in-/ouput further improved (Thanks to Leon Vinken):
        + is now more interchangeable with other systems (especially on
        + better handling of trills
        + better handling of dynamics (hairpins)

      - Bugs fixed:

        Among them  - wrong LilyPond stem statements in
                        "no keep stems" case

                    - paste inserts a lot of nonsense rests
                      in multiple voices per staff case


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