Actually, I caught it now :) I had forgotten that R1 was considered from a 4/4 
standpoint, and this is 3/4. Whoops!

On Tuesday 26 February 2008 21:35:50 Ben Lewis wrote:
> I mailed the list previously about my current project, a concerto by 
> that needs typesetting. I'm receiving a very strange error that, by my 
> looking over, shouldn't be happening.
> Here's the relevant snippet; it's in a \book { \score { ... } } context 
> for producing output.
> %%%%FlautoTraversoSnippet%%%%
> flautotraversolargoone = \relative c''' {
>       \clef treble
>       g2.\f ~  g8 e16 fis g a b a g fis g e  a2. ~  a4 r r  e16( dis e) b e( 
> dis 
> b e( dis e) b
>       gis'( fis gis) b gis( fis gis) b gis( fis gis) b  a( b c) e, a( b c) e, 
> a( 
> c) e,  b'(a b) e, b'(a b) e, b'( a b) e,  a4 g8. fis16 g4  fis e( dis8) e
>       dis b16 cis dis e dis e fis e fis e  dis2.  R1 | r16 b \slurDashed b32( 
> a) 
> \slurSolid b16  fis' b, a' b, fis' b, a' b,  g' b, e,8 r4 r
>       r16 d'32 e fis16 g a fis e d d' fis, e d  b' d, g, d' g a32 b a16 g g 
> a32 b 
> a16 g  
> }
> %%%%EndSnippet%%%%
> I'm also including the output. (Actually, what is the limit on file size 
> can be sent to the list?)
> -- 
> My PGP key (can be found on the Ubuntu Keyserver) Fingerprint is:
> 74D9 E4BE 2F95 3806 E2FA 7E04 8A71 5831 0E8B CAA1

My PGP key (can be found on the Ubuntu Keyserver) Fingerprint is:
74D9 E4BE 2F95 3806 E2FA 7E04 8A71 5831 0E8B CAA1

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