
I have some problems trying to set a non-system font for the texts and I
need this to work in the SVG output.
Here is a practical example of what I can't get to work:

#(ly:font-config-add-font "../fonts/gonville-20.woff")
#(ly:font-config-add-directory "../fonts")
{ c'^\markup { \override #'(font-name . "Gonville-20") "f" } }

1) How can I fix it? (I would expect to see the "forte" glyph of
Gonville-20, instead of a normal 'f')

2) Does "font-config-add-font" work for SVG fonts too? The documentation
talks about otf fonts and I don't understand if I can use the above command
for a woff font as well.

3) Is it also necessary to use the "font-config-add-directory" command ? Or
is "font-config-add-font" enough?

4) In the output of "font-config-display-fonts" I don't see listed the font
I added with "font-config-add-font". Why? Is there any way to include it in
the list?


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