Brilliant!  That worked perfectly.  Within the main voice, I switched back
and forth between \voiceOne and \oneVoice at each rest.  A bit cumbersome if
there are a lot of rests, but it works.

Thanks for the help.  I apologise for posting my question to the wrong

I don't know whether this counts as a bug, but \oneVoice with eighth notes
(quavers) results in two sets of flags or beams on the same stem.  Stems can
also fail to meet if the notes are too far apart.  In the past, I have had
to write a messy hack in order to correct these problems (by making one set
of flags or beams invisible or by lengthening one stem).  Evidently Lilypond
simply sets the two notes in the same vertical position without combining
them into a proper chord.

I'm using Lilypond 2.2.5.  I look forward to upgrading before long to 2.4,
which is said to handle slurs much better.

Thanks again,
Scott Horne

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ruud van Silfhout [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 6 décembre 2004 14:31
> To: Lilypond user
> Cc: P Scott Horne; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Fw: Merging rests in single-staff polyphony
> Hi,
> I think this question should be posted on the lilypond user list.
> One trick I use to achieve that is by using \voiceOne and 
> \oneVoice and use skips on the other voice instead of rests.
> \voiceOne and \voiceTwo instruct lily to display two separate 
> voices for your soprano and altomelody. \oneVoice changes the 
> behavior to the 'normal'
> way of displayng, so th rests are placed on their normal position.
> BTW: Which lilypond version are you using?
> Bye,
> Ruud van Silfhout
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "P Scott Horne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, December 06, 2004 5:56 AM
> Subject: [Mutopia-discuss] Merging rests in single-staff polyphony
> > In a song with a short polyphonic section at the end, I wrote 
> > something
> like
> > this:
> >
> > << { f g } \\ { d e } >>  r4  << { a b } \\ { f g } >>
> >
> > It worked as expected, giving a single rest appropriately 
> centred on 
> > the staff.  This approach seemed more sensible than 
> defining separate 
> > Voice contexts for just a few measures.
> >
> > Unfortunately, the alignment of lyrics came out wrong; the 
> lyrics for 
> > each notehead were all pushed off somewhat to the right.  To solve 
> > that
> problem,
> > I gave up and created two voices, as follows, so that I could 
> > associate
> the
> > lyrics with a single voice:
> >
> >   \context Staff = melody
> >    <<
> >       \time 4/4
> >       \clef treble
> >
> >       \context Voice = melodysoprano { \voiceOne \melodysoprano }
> >       \context Voice = melodyalto { \voiceTwo \melodyalto }
> >    >>
> >
> > The voice "melodysoprano" includes the entire unison part at the 
> > beginning and the upper part in the closing polyphonic 
> section.  The 
> > voice "melodyalto" starts with "s1*18" (skip ahead eighteen 
> measures) 
> > and then gives the notes for the lower part of the polyphony.
> >
> > This, together with a single "\lyricsto" instruction for all five 
> > lines of lyrics, corrects the spacing.  But the rests in the 
> > polyphonic section are doubled (one atop the other), and 
> those in the 
> > monophonic section are
> raised
> > to the top line of the staff.  Also, all the stems and 
> slurs point up.
> >
> > How can I indicate that parts of this staff are monophonic 
> and should 
> > be
> set
> > as such?
> >
> > Scott Horne
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Mutopia-discuss mailing list
> >

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