Hello Pondmates,

as I am going to engrave a small mass for a friend I’ve sketched a small set 
of functions that should make engraving pieces with many movements of very 
similar structure much more fun.

Previously when doing such things I would have files for each movement defining 
namesspaced variables, providing different parts, and then combine them in a 
master using \includes.

This sketch here replaces this by a registering interface. Suppose we have a 
mass. Then this allows us to do for each part (possibly in an included file or 
even multiple included files):

\registerPart #'kyrie
\partSetTitle #'kyrie "Kyrie"

\partSetGlobal #'kyrie {  ... global block ... }
\partSetCGlobal #'kyrie { \dynamicUp }

\partSetStaff #'gloria #'flute {

... the same for all instruments and voices ...

\partAddLyrics #'kyrie #'soprano \lyricmode { lyrics }

... the same for all lyrics ...

This then registers the content of each part. If we want to print the score we 
can do

\printParts layout

where layout is a function turning a part into a score. These layout functions 
could be defined in included files, allowing us to fully separate content and 
form. Creating instrument parts is then nothing but using a specific layout 

This is something just sketched up now. It works, but it surely could be 
expanded to fit more needs (but it can easily be expanded, modified and 

I still hope this might prove useful or educational for some of you.

% Given a nested alist sets a value by a path. Does not guaratee to mutate the alist!
#(define (nested-assoc-set! alist path value)
   (if (null? path)
       (assoc-set! alist (car path) (nested-assoc-set! (assoc-get (car path) alist '()) (cdr path) value))))

% Given a nested alist gets a value by a path
#(define* (nested-assoc-get alist path #:optional (default '()))
   (if (null? path)
       (let ((q (assoc-get (car path) alist default)))
         (if (list? q)
             (nested-assoc-get q (cdr path) default)

% Container for our parts. An alist.
#(define parts
   (if (defined? 'parts)

% Assigns a new part to our container. Not strictly necessary, but sets the 'order property
registerPart =
#(define-void-function (partname) (symbol?)
   (set! parts (assoc-set! parts partname (list (cons 'order (length parts))))))

% Assign the title as markup of a given part.
partSetTitle =
#(define-void-function (partname title) (symbol? markup?)
   (set! parts (nested-assoc-set! parts (list partname 'title) title)))

% Return the title of a given part as markup
partGetTitle =
#(define-scheme-function (partname) (symbol?)
   (nested-assoc-get parts (list partname 'title) #f))

% Add a (named) piece of music (such as flute, violin, ...) to a part
partSetStaff =
#(define-void-function (partname staff mus) (symbol? symbol? ly:music?)
   (set! parts (nested-assoc-set! parts (list partname 'staves staff) mus)))

% Returns a (named) piece of music (such as flute, violin, ...) from a part
partGetStaff =
#(define-music-function (partname staff) (symbol? symbol?)
   (nested-assoc-get parts (list partname 'staves staff) (empty-music)))

% Assign an instrument name to a staff
partSetStaffName =
#(define-void-function (partname staff name) (symbol? symbol? markup?)
   (set! parts (nested-assoc-set! parts (list partname 'staff-names staff) name)))

% Returns the instrument name of a staff. May take a default value.
partGetStaffName =
#(define-scheme-function (default partname staff) ((markup? #f) symbol? symbol?)
   (nested-assoc-get parts (list partname 'staff-names staff) default))

% Adds a new line of lyrics to a staff. May optionally specify
% an alist props to provide values such as 'associatedVoice (default: voice-... where ... is
% the name of the music.
partAddLyrics =
#(define-void-function (partname staff props mus) (symbol? symbol? (list? '()) ly:music?)
   (set! parts (nested-assoc-set! parts
                                  (list partname 'lyrics staff)
                                  (cons `((lyrics . ,mus) . ,props)
                                        (partGetLyrics partname staff)))))

% Returns the lyrics associated with staff. This is a list of
% alists with keys 'lyrics and optional keys specified during \partAddLyrics
partGetLyrics =
#(define-scheme-function (partname staff) (symbol? symbol?)
   (nested-assoc-get parts (list partname 'lyrics staff) '()))

#(define (context-mod-or-procedure? x) (or (ly:context-mod? x) (procedure? x)))

% Creates Lyrics contexts for a staff. May optionally specify a
% context mod or a procedure taking the lyrics alist as argument and returning a context mod
partFormatLyrics =
#(define-music-function (with partname staff)
   ((context-mod-or-procedure? (ly:make-context-mod)) symbol? symbol?)
   (make-music 'SimultaneousMusic
               (map (lambda (x)
                      (let ((lyr (assoc-get 'lyrics x))
                            (assoc-voice (assoc-get 'associatedVoice x (format #f "voice-~a" staff)))
                            (thiswith (if (ly:context-mod? with) with (with x))))
                        #{ \new Lyrics \with #thiswith \lyricsto #assoc-voice $lyr #}))
                    (reverse (partGetLyrics partname staff)))))

% Assigns a global block to a part
partSetGlobal =
#(define-void-function (partname mus) (symbol? ly:music?)
   (set! parts (nested-assoc-set! parts (list partname 'global) mus)))

% Returns the global block of a part
partGetGlobal =
#(define-music-function (partname) (symbol?)
   (nested-assoc-get parts (list partname 'global) (empty-music)))

% Assigns a (choir) global block to a part
partSetCGlobal =
#(define-void-function (partname mus) (symbol? ly:music?)
   (set! parts (nested-assoc-set! parts (list partname 'cglobal) mus)))

% Returns the (choir) global block of a part
partGetCGlobal =
#(define-music-function (partname) (symbol?)
   (nested-assoc-get parts (list partname 'cglobal) (empty-music)))

% Create a Staff from a staff. May optionally specify a context mod
% and a preparation block. Makes use of the global block
partCreateStaff =
#(define-music-function (with prep partname staffname)
   ((ly:context-mod? (ly:make-context-mod)) (ly:music? (empty-music)) symbol? symbol?)
   (let ((staff (partGetStaff partname staffname)))
     (if (not (null? (ly:music-property staff 'types)))
           \new Staff = #(format #f "staff-~a" staffname) \with #with
           { \partGetGlobal #partname #prep #staff }

% Create a (choir) Staff from staff. May optionally specify a context mod
% and a preparation block. Makes use of the (choir) global block
partCreateCStaff =
#(define-music-function (with prep partname staffname)
   ((ly:context-mod? (ly:make-context-mod)) (ly:music? (empty-music)) symbol? symbol?)
   (let ((staff (partGetStaff partname staffname)))
     (if (not (null? (ly:music-property staff 'types)))
           \new Staff = #(format #f "staff-~a" staffname) \with #with
           \new Voice = #(format #f "voice-~a" staffname)
           { \partGetGlobal #partname \partGetCGlobal #partname #prep #staff }

% Create a score from a part name and a layout function.
partPrint =
#(define-scheme-function (partname layout) (symbol? procedure?)
   (layout partname))

% Print selection of parts of all parts using a layout function.
printParts =
#(define-void-function (sel layout)
   ((list? #f) procedure?)
   (if (not sel)
       (set! sel
             (map car
                  (sort parts
                        (lambda (x y)
                          (< (assoc-get 'order (cdr x))
                             (assoc-get 'order (cdr y))))))))
   (map (lambda (x) (add-score (partPrint x layout))) sel))


% Layout function for a full-score
#(define (full-score partname)
     \score {
       \header {
         title = \partGetTitle #partname
         \new StaffGroup <<
             \with { instrumentName = \partGetStaffName "Flute" #partname #'flute }
             #partname #'flute
             \with { instrumentName = \partGetStaffName "Oboe" #partname #'oboe }
             #partname #'oboe
         \new ChoirStaff <<
             \with { instrumentName = \partGetStaffName "S" #partname #'soprano }
             #partname #'soprano
           \partFormatLyrics #partname #'soprano
             \with { instrumentName = \partGetStaffName "A" #partname #'alto }
             #partname #'alto
           \partFormatLyrics #partname #'alto
             \with { instrumentName = \partGetStaffName "T" #partname #'tenor }
             \clef "treble_8" #partname #'tenor
           \partFormatLyrics #partname #'tenor
             \with { instrumentName = \partGetStaffName "B" #partname #'bass }
             \clef bass #partname #'bass
           \partFormatLyrics #partname #'bass

% Layout function for a choir score
#(define (choir-score partname)
     \score {
       \header {
         title = \partGetTitle #partname
         \new ChoirStaff <<
           \partCreateCStaff \with { instrumentName = "S" } #partname #'soprano
           \partFormatLyrics #partname #'soprano
           \partCreateCStaff \with { instrumentName = "A" } #partname #'alto
           \partFormatLyrics #partname #'alto
           \partCreateCStaff \with { instrumentName = "T" } \clef "treble_8" #partname #'tenor
           \partFormatLyrics #partname #'tenor
           \partCreateCStaff \with { instrumentName = "B" } \clef bass #partname #'bass
           \partFormatLyrics #partname #'bass

% Layout function factory for parts
#(define* ((make-part-layout staff instrument #:optional (with (ly:make-context-mod))) partname)
     \score {
       \header {
         title = \partGetTitle #partname
         instrument = #instrument
       \partCreateStaff \with #with #partname #staff

\paper {
  print-all-headers = ##t

\registerPart #'kyrie
\partSetTitle #'kyrie "Kyrie"
\partSetStaff #'kyrie #'flute {
  c'4 d' e' f'

\partSetStaff #'kyrie #'soprano {
  c'2 d'8 e' f'4

\partAddLyrics #'kyrie #'soprano \lyricmode { Ky -- ri -- e e }
\partAddLyrics #'kyrie #'soprano \lyricmode { Chri -- _ ste e }

\partSetStaff #'kyrie #'alto {
  c'2 b

\partAddLyrics #'kyrie #'alto \lyricmode { Ky -- rie }
\partAddLyrics #'kyrie #'alto \lyricmode { Chri -- ste }

\markup "Test \partGetTitle:"
\partGetTitle #'kyrie
\markup "Test \partGetStaff:"
\partGetStaff #'kyrie #'flute
\markup "Test \partCreateStaff:"
\partCreateStaff #'kyrie #'flute
\partCreateStaff \with { instrumentName = "Flute" } \clef bass #'kyrie #'flute

\markup "Test \partPrint:"
\partPrint #'kyrie #full-score
\partPrint #'kyrie #choir-score

\registerPart #'gloria
\partSetTitle #'gloria "Gloria"

\partSetGlobal #'gloria { \key cis\minor \time 3/4 }
\partSetCGlobal #'gloria { \dynamicUp }

\partSetStaff #'gloria #'flute {
  cis'4 dis' e' fis'

\partSetStaff #'gloria #'soprano {
  cis'2\mp\< dis'8 e' fis'4\mf

\partSetStaffName #'gloria #'soprano "Solo"

\partAddLyrics #'gloria #'soprano \lyricmode { Glo -- ri -- a in }

\bookpart {
  \markup "Test \printParts, \partSetGlobal, \partSetCGlobal, \partSetStaffName:"
  \printParts #full-score

\bookpart {
  \markup "Test factory:"
  \printParts #(make-part-layout 'flute "Flute")

\bookpart {
  \markup "Test factory with with:"
  \printParts #(make-part-layout 'flute "Flute" #{\with { \clef "bass" }#})

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