Solutions received works in LilyPond version 2.18.2.

1) Staff breaking in unmetered music in LilyPond version 2.18.2.
To set automatic staff breaking in unmetered music:
unmeteredOn = {
        \set Score.defaultBarType = #""
        \set Score.barAlways = ##t
unmeteredOff = {
        \unset Score.defaultBarType
        \unset Score.barAlways
\relative c' {

2) Scaling global staff size without scaling Lyrics in LilyPond version 2.18.2.
Below variables  and functions is to be put in main document or template:

globalStaffSize = #12
globalLyricsSize = #10
lyricsFontSizeCalculation = #(- (magnification->font-size (/
globalLyricsSize 11))
                                (magnification->font-size (/ globalStaffSize 
#(set-global-staff-size globalStaffSize)
\layout {
  \context {
      \override LyricText.font-size = #lyricsFontSizeCalculation
      \override StanzaNumber.font-size = #lyricsFontSizeCalculation
      \override InstrumentName.font-size = #lyricsFontSizeCalculation

3) Putting marks over bar lines in LilyPond version 2.18.2.
To put mark (example: "3x") over a bar line at the end of any line or
not at the end of any line:

mark = {
        \once \override Score.RehearsalMark.break-visibility = ##(#t #t #f)
        \once \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
        \mark \markup { \italic \small "3x" }
unmeteredOn = {
        \set Score.defaultBarType = #""
        \set Score.barAlways = ##t
unmeteredOff = {
        \unset Score.defaultBarType
        \unset Score.barAlways
\score {
        \layout {
                \context { \Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
                ragged-last = ##f
        \relative c' {
                \transpose e d' {
                        \key e \minor
                        \time 1/8       
                        e8 e dis4 e \bar "'" e8 e dis4 e \bar "'"
                        g8 g g4 fis8 e fis4 fis \bar "'"
                        fis8 fis g e dis!4 e \bar ":|.|:"
                        \bar ":|.|:"
                        e8 fis g g g g g fis e fis4 fis \bar "'"
                        fis g8[ fis] e dis!4 e \bar ":|.|:"
                        \bar ":|.|:"
                        e8[ fis] g g g g g fis e fis4 fis \bar "'"
                        fis8 fis g[ fis] e dis!4 e \bar ":|."

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