Hi, Mats:

You don't say how you did your TimeSig staff

The "main" one (at the top of the entire system) I'm doing in the way shown by the docs.

my guess is that it's very hard to achieve this automatically

As it turns out, I found a wonderful way to do it:

        \new PianoStaff
                %% config
                        \override VerticalAlignment #'forced-distance = #10
                %% staves
                        \new Staff = "pfUpper"
                                %% config
                                        %% fake a "floating" time-signature 
                                        \override TimeSignature #'font-size = #2
                                        \override TimeSignature #'extra-offset 
= #'( 0 . 7 )
                                        \override VerticalAxisGroup 
#'minimum-Y-extent = #'( -4 . 12 )
                                %% notes
                        \new Staff = "pfLower"
                                %% config
                                        %% hide this staff's time sigs
                                        \override TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
                                %% notes

This way, the "TimeSig staff" is really just the set of time signatures from the pfUpper Staff, configured and offset to fake a separate staff -- works like a charm!

If it weren't for the fact that the top staff might change too often (with Frenched scores), I'd do the same up there, too.

Best wishes,

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