
I have a compile problem that seems to have come up before, but I don't
see any recent mention of it in the archives (? ... but I'm newbie)

Processing a largish html file with embedded <lilypond></lilypond> code,

Copious output ends with such as this...

Drawing systems... /Applications/LilyPond.app/Contents/Resources/share/lilypond/current/scm/framework-ps.scm:534:22: In procedure open-file in expression (open-file (format #f "~a.eps" ...) "wb"): /Applications/LilyPond.app/Contents/Resources/share/lilypond/current/scm/framework-ps.scm:534:22: Too many open files: "08/lily-3ebc2202.eps"

...after perhaps 10 or 15 codes were processed correctly.  Continually
restarting the program does lead to eventual success.

Note that I have

Jim-Tisdalls-MacBook-Pro:book tisdall$ ulimit
Jim-Tisdalls-MacBook-Pro:book tisdall$ lilypond -v
GNU LilyPond 2.16.0

My macbook pro has 4GB RAM and I don't recall hitting this problem with
other software.

Probably some "close fd" bug in the code?  Or ... ?

Thanks for your help,

PS I should show what I'm compiling ... many codes in exactly this
format but different note lists, within the html document:

<lilypond >

\version "2.16.0"
\header { piece = "example"}
  \new Staff {
          \clef "treble_8"

          \set fingeringOrientations = #'(down)
          \set stringNumberOrientations = #'(up)
          \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(down)  % these are RH

        <c\6\downbow-1> <d\upbow-3> <e\downbow-1> <f\upbow-2> <g\downbow-4>
<a\5\downbow-1> <b\upbow-3> <c'\downbow-4> <c'\upbow-4> <b\downbow-3> <a\upbow-1>
        <g\6\upbow-4> <f\downbow-2> <e\upbow-1> <d\downbow-3> <c\upbow-1>
  \new TabStaff {
        \clef "moderntab"

                  \set fingeringOrientations = #'(down)
                  \set stringNumberOrientations = #'(up)
                  \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(down)  % these are RH

        <c\6> <d\6> <e\6> <f\6> <g\6>
        <a\5> <b\5> <c'\5> <c'\5> <b\5> <a\5>
        <g\6> <f\6> <e\6> <d\6> <c\6>


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