Although this message wasn't posted yet, I found the answer myself in the
INSTALL.txt-file. I had to build the pfa-Fonts. Now it should work.
But a second question: For the first time I build documentation, that worked
so far but how can I install it? I configured with --prefix=/usr but I just
Somehow my last message wasn't recognized...
I tried to make a pdf-File using lily-1.8.1 on my SuSE, and it doesn't work.
I can make ps and dvi-Files which look good using ly2dvi (-P). I can also make
pdfs from those files using ps2pdf or dvipdf. But when I try to make pdfs
using ly2dvi -p I get
I just installed lily-1.8.1 on my SuSE8.0 and so far it works. I can create
dvi (using ly2dvi) and ps-Files (using ly2dvi -P). But when trying to make a
pdf-File (using ly2dvi -p) I get the following eror:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> ly2dvi -p --verbose
ly2dvi (GNU LilyPond) 1.8.1
Öffne Pipe `/