> On 18.01.2010, at 21:55, John Kelly wrote:
> > I'm trying to set a single vocal part. It has three stanzas with a  
> > refrain....I want the layout like this:
> >
> > |: notes for stanzas 1 & 2 :| notes for stanza 3 ||
> > |: words for stanzas 1 & 2 :| words for stanza 3 ||
> >

One solution seems to be:

NotesABC {
   \repeat volta 2 {
    c d e d f ...

    c d e f f ...

\addlyrics {
   stanza 1

\addlyrics {
   stanza 2

\addlyrics {
   \skip 1 \skip 1 \skip 1 % (repeat as needed -- i.e., 77 \skips )
                           % \skip 1*77 didn't do it
   stanza 3

\score {
                \context Score <<
                        \context Staff <<
                                \new Voice = "bassNotesABC" \bassNotesABC
%                       \lyricsto "bassNotesABC" \new Lyrics {
%                               \bassLyricsABC
%                       }

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