You could make an invisible time-signature change:
\once \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
\time 3/8 c' 16 d' e' d' c' 8
Am 28.06.2011 10:58, schrieb Stefan Thomas:
Dear community,
in the below quoted example I can reset the beam-exceptions only after
a time-signature
If you want to do this within a bar, wouldn't it just be easier to manual beam?
Phil Holmes
- Original Message -
From: Stefan Thomas
To: lilypond-user
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 9:58 AM
Subject: reverting the beam-exceptions immediately
Dear community,
Dear community,
in the below quoted example I can reset the beam-exceptions only after a
How could it be possible restting the beam-exceptions without a
time-signature change?
\version "2.14.1"
\new Staff {
\time 3/8
\unset Timing.beamExceptions
\set Voice.baseMoment