  Now the strange warning comes, saying it can't create the CHordMarks context. 
I used something like a Dynamics context, and also changed the context name to 
\new Dynamics. Although other piano pieces can use Dynamics,, this exercise 
can't, always saying can't create new "Dynamics" or "ChordMarks". Why?
\version "2.11.49"

%% Layout to produce ChordMarks context
%% for doing harmony exercises
%% Chord marks are entered as text markups
\layout {
  \context {
    \type "Engraver_group"
    \name "ChordMarks"
    \alias Voice
    \consists "Output_property_engraver"
    \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1)
    \consists "Script_engraver"
    \consists "Text_engraver"
    \override TextScript #'font-size = #2
    \consists "Skip_event_swallow_translator"
    \consists "Axis_group_engraver"
  \context {
    \accepts "ChordMarks"

  Dmaj = \markup { \bold "D" }
  DmajTwo = \markup { \concat { \bold { "D" \sub "2" } } }
  DmajSixArrow = \markup { \concat { \bold { "D" \sub "6" } } " " \arrow-head #X #RIGHT ##t }
  DmajSixFiveArrow = \markup { \concat { \bold { "D" \sub \column { "6" "5" } } } " " \arrow-head #X #RIGHT ##t }
  DmajSeven = \markup { \concat { \bold { "D" \sub "7" } } }
  DDVIIseven = \markup { \concat { \bold { "DDVII" \sub { "7" \raise #1 "--" } } } }
  bthreeDDVIIseven = \markup { \concat { \flat \bold { "3 DDVII" \sub { "7" \raise #1 "--" } } } }
  Smin = \markup { \bold "s" }
  SminSix = \markup { \concat { \bold { "s" \sub "6" } } }
  SixFive = \markup { \bold { \column { "6" "5" } } }
  SixFiveArrow = \markup { \concat { \bold { \column { "6" "5" } } } " " \arrow-head #X #RIGHT ##t }
  Tmin = \markup { \bold "t" }
  TminSix = \markup { \concat { \bold { "t" \sub "6" } } }
  Six = \markup { \bold "6" }

Attachment: harmony.log
Description: Binary data

\version "2.11.49"

\include "chords.ly"

#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)

\header {
  tagline = ##f
  title = \markup { \fontsize #2 "Ex. 36-551" }

  IupperI = \new Voice { \voiceOne
    \relative c'' {
    \clef treble \key fis \minor \time 4/4
    \override MetronomeMark #'stencil = ##f
    \tempo 2=60
    cis2\mark \markup { \bold \fontsize #2 "1" } fis ~ | fis4 eis fis cis ~ |
    cis b2 a4 | gis2 b ~ |
    b4 a b d ~ | d cis2 e4 ~ |
    e d cis2 ~ | cis4 cis2 b4 ~ |
    b a2 gis4 | fis1 \bar "||" \break

  IupperII = \new Voice { \voiceTwo
    \relative c' {
    fis1 | gis2 fis |
    fis1 | eis2 gis |
    fis1 ~ | fis ~ |
    fis | e2 d ~ |
    d b | a1 \bar "||"

  IlowerI = \new Voice { \voiceOne
    \relative c' {
    \clef bass \key fis \minor \time 4/4
    a2 cis ~ | cis1 |
    d2 dis | cis1 |
    cis2 b | cis1 |
    b2 cis | fis,1 ~ |
    fis2 eis | fis1 \bar "||"

  IlowerII = \new Voice { \voiceTwo
    \relative c, {
    fis2 a | b a |
    b bis | cis eis |
    fis d4 b | a2 ais |
    b a | ais b |
    bis cis | fis,1 \bar "||"

  Ichords = {
    s2_\Tmin s_\Six |
    s_\DmajTwo s_\TminSix |
    s_\Smin s_\DDVIIseven |
    s_\Dmaj s_\SixFive |
    s2_\Tmin s4_\SminSix s4_\Smin |
    s2_\TminSix s4_\DmajSixArrow s4_\SixFiveArrow |
    s2_\Smin s2_\TminSix |
    s2_\DmajSixFiveArrow s2_\Smin |
    s2_\bthreeDDVIIseven s2_\DmajSeven |
    s1_\Tmin \bar "||"

  \score {
    \new PianoStaff <<
      \set PianoStaff.midiInstrument = "choir aahs"
      \new Staff = "rh" << \IupperI \IupperII >>
      \new Staff = "lh" << \IlowerI  \IlowerII >>
      \new ChordMarks = "chords" \Ichords
    \layout { }
    \midi { }

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