hhpmu...@163.com wrote:
I finally finished the orchestration. But the teacher came with two problems: one is double bar, which I can solve after asking him which bar I made wrong; the second is about Fine and D.C. al Fine. I included the mark engraver in the markline context, but the pdf doesn't display texts created with \mark. Don't look deeply. Just pick up the defs at the top of the file and the score frame near the end. Could you help me? I'm about to orchestrate Brahms's Variation On A Theme By Handel. I don't hope this problem happen again. BTW, why this warning occurs although I have no staff changes (I often get this when writing piano or harp passage with staff changes)?
warning: no viable initial configuration found: may not find good beam slope


Actually, if you look more carefully, you will see that \mark is working - look at the "Fine" at the end of bar 24.

The issue is that LP's default is to position rehearsal marks at the beginning of a line, but your D.C al Fine mark is at the *end* of a line.

This is mentioned in the documentation:


and the first snippet for that section specifically shows you how to get a D.C. al Fine at the end of your piece.


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