> how about something simple but functional like this:
> chbracket =
> #(define-music-function (offset height width) (number? number? number?)
>    (let* ((x0 -0.7)
>           (x1 (+ x0 width))
>           (y0 offset)
>           (y1 (+ y0 height)))
>      #{
>        \tweak outside-staff-priority ##f
>        -\markup {
>          \with-dimensions-from \null
>          \path #0.14
>          #`((moveto ,x0 ,y1) (lineto ,x0 ,y0) (lineto ,x1 ,y0))
>        }
>      #}))
> { c'\chbracket #-1.4 #4 #1.2 c'\chbracket #1 #-2.5 #1.2 }

Nice, thanks!  I've eventually used the following code, which is quite
similar to your suggestion, and which could be certainly improved and
streamlined :-)

#(define-markup-command (halfBracket layout props height)
  (interpret-markup layout props
    (markup #:line (#:with-dimensions (cons 0 0) (cons 0 0)
      (#:path 0.2
        (list (list 'moveto -1 0)
        (list 'lineto -1 -1)
        (list 'lineto -1 (* height -1))
        (list 'lineto -0.5 (* height -1))))))))

{ \clef bass d1^\markup \halfBracket #3 }


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