Re: How to pass a fraction as a parameter for a Scheme function

2020-06-09 Thread Aaron Hill
and the denominator as the cdr. Alternately, you can use the rational? type predicate so the value is numeric. However, you will then need to use Scheme syntax for the input: #1/16 instead of 1/16. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Regexp Functions

2020-06-08 Thread Aaron Hill
quot; "A ... B ...") "\n" 'suffix) 'pre 1 "C" 'post)) A ... C ... D ... B ... A ... E ... A ... C ... The key here is to use a capturing group for the portion of the string before "B" that you need to preserve in the substitution. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Regexp Functions

2020-06-09 Thread Aaron Hill
ic unnamed capturing groups, although GNU ERE does add support for backreferences: /.(.)(.)\2\1/ will match 'xyzzy'. However, PCRE additionally handles non-capturing groups, named groups, and many forms of lookarounds and conditionals. -- Aaron Hill

Re: How to pass a fraction as a parameter for a Scheme function

2020-06-12 Thread Aaron Hill
d 2/2 would look identical to the function. In fact, the function would simply see the integer 1 as input for #4/4. If all that was needed was to specify a duration, then it might not matter since four quarters is the same as two halves. However then, David's suggestion of using ly:duration? would make much more sense. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Absolute font-size for TextScript

2020-06-02 Thread Aaron Hill
" } \layout { #(layout-set-staff-size 13) } } \score { \new Staff { \once \transformText \flipIt b'2.^"Lorem" b'4_"ipsum" } \layout { #(layout-set-staff-size 21) } } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Combining multiple markups into a single, word-wrappable one?

2020-07-28 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2020-07-28 10:15 am, David Kastrup wrote: Aaron Hill writes: Feels like a hack, but would this help? \version "2.20.0" loremIpsum = \markuplist { \bold { Lorem ipsum } dolor sit amet, \italic consectetur adipiscing elit. } \markup { \override #'(line-width . 40)

Re: Combining multiple markups into a single, word-wrappable one?

2020-07-27 Thread Aaron Hill
loremIpsum } } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Arguments before functions

2020-07-19 Thread Aaron Hill
\middle b g8[ f] g4_( \final c') \bar "|" } \fixed c' { \cadenzaOn g4 f8[ d] e4 \middle e g4 a \final g \bar "|" } This approach allows you to create a template of sorts for individual notes. Above is an example usage to aid with pointing, supporting the middle of a phrase and the final tone. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Tie position with sharps

2020-07-23 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2020-07-23 4:38 pm, Aaron Hill wrote: On 2020-07-23 3:14 pm, Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote: Hi, consider: \version "2.21.0" \relative {   g'1~ \break   g^"normal tie" } \relative {   ges'1~ \break   ges^"low tie" } \relative {   gis'1~ \break   gis^"l

Re: Tie position with sharps

2020-07-23 Thread Aaron Hill
rcing the tie down an entire staff space. But this results in a slightly larger gap, because there is slightly less than a staff space difference between the flat and sharp's lower extent. -- Aaron Hill

Re: detecting the start and end of a polyphonic passage from scheme

2020-07-01 Thread Aaron Hill
Here is an alternate way to view the above: \version "2.20.0" { \new Voice = outer { e'8 g' } << \context Voice = outer { s2 } \new Voice = inner { a'2 } >> \context Voice = outer { b'4 } } Hopefully it is more clear that the two Voices are siblings, not parent-child. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Including only definitions from a Lilypond file

2020-08-14 Thread Aaron Hill
\markup "Hidden" { \foo } \assert #'(eq? 0 (length toplevel-scores)) \restoreHandlers \markup "Visible" { \foo } \assert #'(eq? 2 (length toplevel-scores)) -- Aaron Hill

Re: Lyrics as verses or in system?

2021-01-11 Thread Aaron Hill
durations, underscores, hyphens, and extenders from a lyricmode block to create a markup block? See LSR #744 [1]. [1]: -- Aaron Hill

Re: keyAlterationOrder

2020-12-28 Thread Aaron Hill
ep . alteration) back to pitch, the final order is: Bb Eb Ab F# C# G# D#. This should make sense given the standard convention of how flats and sharps are arranged. One question though, Does the key signature affect the midi output? Yes, Key_performer generates a key signature meta event (FF 59). -- Aaron Hill

Re: \with-dimensions partially

2020-12-26 Thread Aaron Hill
ut the two intervals are computed relative to the extents of the markup, recalling that LEFT=DOWN=-1, CENTER=0, RIGHT=UP=1. And of course you can use any values in-between or outside those as desired. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Staff space size

2021-01-06 Thread Aaron Hill
space of 5pt, then line thickness is exactly 0.5pt. However, as staff space drops to 4.125pt, line thickness should only reduce to 0.47pt. -- Aaron Hill

Re: LilyPond to Scheme to Lilypond and variadic function

2020-11-26 Thread Aaron Hill
;foo" [note] pitch=#, duration=# Success: compilation successfully completed -- Aaron Hill

Re: Line spacing (leading) of verses in a hymn

2020-11-27 Thread Aaron Hill
efault font-size is 11pt. Scale to 10pt. #(magnification->font-size 10/11) \override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-nonstaff-spacing = % Default staff space is 5pt. Scale to 12pt. #'((basic-distance . 12/5) (minimum-distance . 0) (padding . 0) (stretchability . 0)) } } } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Line spacing (leading) of verses in a hymn

2020-11-27 Thread Aaron Hill
and it still works as expected. That would be my mistake. I forgot to also set minimum-distance so that it does not compress. My example works only because there is no pressure to reduce spacing. Use the same value for basic-distance and minimum-distance, and it should work. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Line spacing (leading) of verses in a hymn

2020-11-27 Thread Aaron Hill
VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-nonstaff-spacing = #(lambda (grob) (define (pt n) (* n (ly:output-def-lookup (ly:grob-layout grob) 'pt))) `((basic-distance . ,(pt 12)) (minimum-distance . ,(pt 12)) (padding . 0) (stretchability . 0))) -- Aaron Hill

Re: LilyPond to Scheme to Lilypond and variadic function

2020-11-25 Thread Aaron Hill
in. But I am hopeful the above may help you refactor your function into a form that could work. -- Aaron Hill

Re: square brackets around rehearsal marks 2.21.81

2020-12-05 Thread Aaron Hill
.1 0.3 0.5 \mark \default b'4 4 2 4 2. 1 \temporary \bracketify NoteHead #X 0.2 0.5 0.3 \mark \default b'4 4 2 4 2. 1 \revert NoteHead.stencil \mark \default b'4 4 2 4 2. 1 } -- Aaron Hill

Re: LilyPond to Scheme to Lilypond and variadic function

2020-11-24 Thread Aaron Hill
nsider. \baz demonstrates working with music as a container for data. This option is ideal when inputting a variable number of musical things as it largely resembles other LilyPond syntax. -- Aaron Hill

Re: bend before, increase disctance to accidental

2020-12-04 Thread Aaron Hill
,dx ,(* 0.66 delta-y) ,dx ,delta-y) -- Aaron Hill

Re: Syntax error encountered while engraving a successfully updated Mutopia ly file

2020-11-29 Thread Aaron Hill
-property = #'value It does not however seem to correct: variable #'key = #'value % variable.key = #'value -- Aaron Hill

Re: drum-staff metronome click + bell ?

2020-12-12 Thread Aaron Hill
able midiDrumPitches) } } \score { \drums { \repeat unfold 8 { mb4 mc mc mc } } \midi { \tempo 4 = 90 } } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Stencil rubber

2020-12-12 Thread Aaron Hill
GHT/UP = 1). This seemed easier to work with than absolute extents. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Determine Length of a markup

2020-12-10 Thread Aaron Hill
nstrumentName = \foo } { \repeat unfold 16 { b'4 4 2 } \bar "|." } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Dynamic text vertical positioning issue

2020-12-21 Thread Aaron Hill
set properties: \version "2.20.0" { \stemDown e' -\offset X-offset #0.3 -\offset Y-offset #1.5 _+ \p e' _1 \p } -- Aaron Hill

Re: \tuplet 2/3

2020-12-15 Thread Aaron Hill
imes | \tuplet 4/3 { b'2 b' } % same, but using \tuplet } \tuplet and \times differ only on the order of numerator/denominator. -- Aaron Hill

Re: \bar "" as discretionary break point without affecting spacing

2020-12-21 Thread Aaron Hill
elative f' { \key f \major \omit Score.TimeSignature \cadenzaOn f4 a2 bes4 c2 bes4 a2 g4 a2 \lineEnd a4 a2 g4 bes4( a) g4 f2( e4) f2 \lineEnd f4 a2 bes4 c2 bes4 a2 g4 a2 \lineEnd } } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Scheme help request: How can else of an if-statement be made to do nothing?

2020-12-11 Thread Aaron Hill
t;Text" % shown, green \print-if-defined ##t #'symA "Text" % shown, red -- Aaron Hill

Re: Autochange with Staves named other than "up" and "down"

2020-12-20 Thread Aaron Hill
d' e' } \replaceContextChanges #'((down . middle) (up . upper)) \autochange { a4 b d' e' } \replaceContextChanges #'((down . upper) (up . lower)) \autochange { a4 b d' e' } } >> -- Aaron Hill

Re: explicit duration within \lyricsto

2020-11-09 Thread Aaron Hill
e I show using a NullVoice so the notes do not appear though you can still attach lyrics to them for timing. NOTE: As documented in the Notation Reference, changing associatedVoice must occur one syllable early to have the desired effect. -- Aaron Hill

Re: explicit duration within \lyricsto

2020-11-10 Thread Aaron Hill
(Re-adding mailing list for visibility...) On 2020-11-10 12:35 am, Christ van Willegen wrote: Hi Aaron, Op ma 9 nov. 2020 23:39 schreef Aaron Hill: Above I show using a NullVoice so the notes do not appear though you can still attach lyrics to them for timing. NOTE: As documented

Re: Tremolos between two whole notes with LilyPond 2.20.0 and newer

2020-11-08 Thread Aaron Hill
3.3) \repeat tremolo 16 { c32 c' } } NOTE: While y¹off-y²off is a valid symbol in Scheme, I renamed it to something pure ASCII. Also NOTE: This code is no longer backwards compatible due to the use of grob-transformer. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Problem positioning TextSpanner

2020-11-11 Thread Aaron Hill
tried would be useful. A note is allowed to be the end of one span and the beginning of another: \version "2.20.0" { b'2 \startTextSpan 4 4 \stopTextSpan \startTextSpan | 4 2. \stopTextSpan } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Questions about using Scheme with Lilypond

2020-11-15 Thread Aaron Hill
20.0" baz = #(define-void-function (pitches) (ly:music?) (format #t "\npitches=~s" (music-pitches pitches))) \baz a \baz { b d f } Parsing... pitches=(#) pitches=(# # #) -- Aaron Hill

Re: Lining up continuo figures

2020-11-16 Thread Aaron Hill
it requires the figures to be input a bottom-up order. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Lining up continuo figures

2020-11-16 Thread Aaron Hill
t;< { \time 2/1 \clef bass a1. d2 } \figuremode { \override Staff.BassFigureAlignment.stacking-dir = #UP <[3 5]>4 <[2 4 8]> <[3 5]> <[4 6]> <[3 5]>2 } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Questions about using Scheme with Lilypond

2020-11-16 Thread Aaron Hill
#{ \score { { g'4 a'2. } } #} #{ \score { { b'4. g'8 a'2 } } #}) \bookpart { $@baz } #(define (score->markup score) #{ \markup \score { #score \layout { indent = 0 } } #}) \markup { Lorem ipsum #@(map score->markup baz) dolor sit amet. } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Double coda sign

2020-11-16 Thread Aaron Hill
\consists the Mark_engraver but with a downward direction. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Different dynamic 1st and 2nd time in a repeat.

2020-11-17 Thread Aaron Hill
Can use \dynamicPair directly in music or to define %% commonly-used dynamics. Supports make-dynamic-script. mp-ff = \dynamicPair \mp \ff { b'4 _\mp-ff ^\dynamicPair \sp #(make-dynamic-script "zzz") } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Partially formatting syllables in lyrics

2020-11-21 Thread Aaron Hill
2 } \addlyrics { \markup { \bold a \italic b } \markup { \box c \circle d } } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Multi-measure rests with alternating time signatures

2020-11-21 Thread Aaron Hill
be wrong! =) Compound meter, perhaps? \version "2.20.0" \compressMMRests << \new Staff { \compoundMeter #'(4 3 4) \repeat unfold 2 { a'4 4 b'2 a'4 b'2 } R4*7*14 } \new Staff { R4*7*14 \repeat unfold 2 { b'2 2 a'4 4 4 } } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Sending around contexts

2020-11-22 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2020-11-22 12:14 pm, Kieren MacMillan wrote: Any thoughts on why this snippet throws an error? The context is not being kept alive long enough. Change s1 to at least s1*4: \new Dynamics \new Container = "piano_dynamics" s1*4 -- Aaron Hill

Re: Chord glissTweak padding

2020-11-02 Thread Aaron Hill
encil . #f))) (2 . ((stencil . #f))) (3 . ((stencil . #f))) (4 . ((style . dashed-line) ((bound-details left padding) . 2) ((bound-details left arrow) . #t) (normalized-endpoints . (0 . -1.5) 2^"\"some other tweaks\"" -- Aaron Hill

Re: Chord glissTweak padding

2020-11-02 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2020-11-02 12:18 pm, Aaron Hill wrote: #{ \once \override Glissando.after-line-breaking = #proc <>\glissando #}) You can even simplify that expression using \tweak: #{ <>-\tweak after-line-breaking #proc \glissando #} Not sure if \tweak is cheaper than \once \override

Re: Chord glissTweak padding

2020-11-02 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2020-11-02 12:18 pm, Aaron Hill wrote: \glissTweak needs to be able to handle using ly:grob-set-nested-property!: glissTweak = #(define-music-function (parser location lst) (pair?) (define (proc grob) (let ((gliss-count (ly:grob-property grob 'glissando-index))) (for-each

Re: first tuplet in nested tuplet displays as parent tuplet

2020-11-03 Thread Aaron Hill
tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text #{ 8 #}) \tuplet 7/6 { \tuplet 3/2 4 { e8[ f e] f8[ e f] } << f4 { s16 s16 s8 } >> \tuplet 3/2 { e8 16 } } } Also shown is using \tuplet as an alternative to \times. -- Aaron Hill

Re: \note within \markup

2020-11-03 Thread Aaron Hill
. [1]: -- Aaron Hill

Re: LSR 1119 Force clef change in alternatives

2020-10-30 Thread Aaron Hill
Staff.Clef.extra-spacing-width = #'(-1 . 0) \clef bass Seeing as the grace note affects spacing, I added a suitable spacing modifier. -- Aaron Hill

Re: \unfoldRepeats

2020-11-01 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2020-11-01 2:25 pm, David Rogers wrote: Aaron Hill writes: On 2020-10-29 2:35 pm, David Kastrup wrote: David Nalesnik writes: Hi Andrew, On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 5:03 PM Andrew Bernard wrote: Hi David, But it would be great in the future to have more and better MIDI support. I

Re: Installing Lilypond 2.21.80

2020-11-01 Thread Aaron Hill
in the Notation Reference, or give me some specifics? The installation instructions can be found here [1] where you would obtain the stable release. (Perhaps a helpful link could be added on the development/unstable pages.) [1]: -- Aaron Hill

Re: Installing Lilypond 2.21.80

2020-11-01 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2020-11-01 5:26 pm, Ralph Palmer wrote: On Sun, Nov 1, 2020 at 7:31 PM Aaron Hill wrote: On 2020-11-01 3:58 pm, Aaron Hill wrote: > On 2020-11-01 3:41 pm, Ralph Palmer wrote: >> Hi - >> >> I would like to install LilyPond 2.21.80, but I don't know how. I have >

Re: Installing Lilypond 2.21.80

2020-11-01 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2020-11-01 3:58 pm, Aaron Hill wrote: On 2020-11-01 3:41 pm, Ralph Palmer wrote: Hi - I would like to install LilyPond 2.21.80, but I don't know how. I have successfully installed earlier versions, but I don't remember how, and I can't find instructions. I'm running Ubuntu 20.4.01 under

Re: restating clef and StaffGroup brace after \startStaff

2020-10-21 Thread Aaron Hill
er) (number?) #{ \once \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #all-visible \set Score.currentBarNumber = #number \bar "" #}) \markup { \score { { \initialBarNumber 2 \AB.2 } } \score { { \initialBarNumber 13 \AB.13 } } } -- Aaron Hill

FretBoards require X11 color names

2020-11-04 Thread Aaron Hill
to specify a literal color feels inconsistent and arbitrarily restrictive. -- Aaron Hill

Re: \unfoldRepeats

2020-10-29 Thread Aaron Hill
and noteblocks? -- Aaron Hill

Re: Questions From a New User

2020-10-29 Thread Aaron Hill
to output that format. [2]: -- Aaron Hill

Re: Why does -dbackend=svg -dcrop remove system-system-spacing?

2021-01-08 Thread Aaron Hill
should not be using -dcrop. Rather, you should be manually removing the margins themselves within the \paper section. Basically, make the virtual paper match precisely what you need, obviating the need to use -dcrop. -- Aaron Hill

Re: print italian NoteNames context in Uppercase

2021-01-15 Thread Aaron Hill
on "2.22.0" #(let ((orig-proc note-name->string)) (set! note-name->string (lambda args (string-capitalize (apply orig-proc args) \new NoteNames { c dis ees \set printNotesLanguage = italiano c dis ees } -- Aaron Hill

Re: color of a single name chord

2021-01-15 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2021-01-15 3:34 am, achar wrote: Thanks a lot, but it doesn't work. I don't know why. If \tweak does not work, you can always fall back to \once \override: \version "2.18.2" \new ChordNames \chordmode { c \once \override ChordName.color = #red d e } -- Aaron Hill

Re: and lilypond 2.21+: error with the \note markup command

2021-01-15 Thread Aaron Hill
) (set! duration (ly:parse-string-expression (ly:parser-clone) duration))) (note-by-number-markup layout props (ly:duration-log duration) (ly:duration-dot-count duration) dir))) \markup { \note { 8. } #DOWN \note "8." #DOWN \note { \longa*2/3 } #UP \note "\longa*2/3" #UP } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Missing 2.20 documentation tarball at

2021-01-16 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2021-01-16 11:48 am, Kenneth Wolcott wrote: Missing 2.20 documentation tarball at The content is still there: -- Aaron Hill

Re: Universal default value function

2021-01-24 Thread Aaron Hill
eOrDefault foo { b'1 } \defineOnce foo { b'4 4 2 } \valueOrDefault foo { b'1 } \defineOnce foo { b'8 8 2. } \foo } I included the optional module parameter in the event that users might need to work outside the current scope. -- Aaron Hill

Re: ties with TeXShop

2021-01-25 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2021-01-25 5:47 am, Aaron Hill wrote: On 2021-01-25 5:19 am, John D. Berry wrote: At one point I happily used TeXShop to do all of my Lilypond work. A couple of years have passed and I have returned with a new Mac and I find that I cannot get to this configuration due to an error in pointer

Re: ties with TeXShop

2021-01-25 Thread Aaron Hill
that the page cannot be found. Is there another source for the engine that will work for lily pond in TeXShop? Is this [1] what you are looking for? [1]: -- Aaron Hill

Re: rounded number to an integer?

2021-01-02 Thread Aaron Hill
=> 1/2 (inexact->exact 1.2) => 5404319552844595/4503599627370496 What you need to do is use a combination of rationalize and inexact->exact: (rationalize (inexact->exact 1.2) 1/100) => 6/5 -- Aaron Hill

Re: Scheme help request: How can else of an if-statement be made to do nothing?

2020-12-11 Thread Aaron Hill
ot; as a symbol on its own without needing to escape to Scheme syntax by writing #'symA. Just something to keep in mind as I think it results in cleaner usage. -- Aaron Hill

Re: manual alternative endings

2021-02-04 Thread Aaron Hill
... = #(list '(volta #f) (list 'volta voltaCont)) 3: ... = #`((volta #f) (volta ,voltaCont)) NOTE: The backtick in the third option begins quasi-quoting, which allows you to "unquote" (using the comma) so you can reference the defined voltaCont variable. -- Aaron Hill

Re: \path in markup dashed line

2021-01-27 Thread Aaron Hill
ogic that appends a new dispatch entry. With that, I was able to use 2.22.0 and compile my original code otherwise unchanged. -- Aaron Hill

Re: How can I put a text markup above fermata

2021-06-18 Thread Aaron Hill
s with a smaller outside-staff-priority will sit closer to the staff. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Terminology question

2021-06-19 Thread Aaron Hill
, semantic satiation.) -- Aaron Hill

Re: nabble (barlines in volta brackets)

2021-06-20 Thread Aaron Hill
\relative { \repeat volta 2 { c''4 d e f | } \alternative { { c2 e | \bar ":|]" } { f2 g | } } c1 } P.S. No idea about the nabble stuff... does the archive [1] at have the data you want? [1]: -- Aaron Hill

Re: horizontal lyric spacing?

2021-06-20 Thread Aaron Hill
understand? This is one of my utility functions: forceHyphen = \lyricmode { \once \override LyricHyphen.minimum-distance = #2 } You then use it like this: \lyricmode { And the \forceHyphen white -- robed mar -- tyrs fol -- low, } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Center graphical markup on staff

2021-06-21 Thread Aaron Hill
{ \relative c' { c4 d \markupStencil \squiggle r } } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Piano: partial pedalling

2021-05-10 Thread Aaron Hill
/2019-01/msg00522.html -- Aaron Hill

Re: Piano: partial pedalling

2021-05-10 Thread Aaron Hill
hosted on lilybin [1]. [1]: -- Aaron Hill

Re: setting partCombine text at a higher level

2021-05-11 Thread Aaron Hill
Text = cat soloIIText = dog } \new Staff << \partCombine \relative c'' { g4 g r r a2 g } \relative c'' { r4 r a( b) a2 g } >> \new Staff \with \combineTexts << \partCombine \relative c'' { g4 g r r a2 g } \relative c'' { r4 r a( b) a2 g } >> -- Aaron Hill

Re: Tempo marking with 2 notes

2021-05-10 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2021-05-10 6:41 pm, Ahanu Banerjee wrote: Hello, Can anyone provide a simple way to make a tempo marking like this: "♩= 텞 " ? You should be able to adapt LSR 574 [1] to achieve that. [1]: -- Aaron Hill

Re: Horizontal beam parallel to staff

2021-05-10 Thread Aaron Hill
s (cons y y) { \override Beam.positions = \flattenPositions #NEAR g''8 b b c'' a' b'' b'' d' \override Beam.positions = \flattenPositions #CENTER g''8 b b c'' a' b'' b'' d' \override Beam.positions = \flattenPositions #(* 2 FAR) g''8 b b c'' a' b'' b'' d' } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Changing volta number text

2021-05-14 Thread Aaron Hill
| } \alternative { { \changeVoltaText "1., 3." e'4 f' g' | } { d'4 c' b' | } { \changeVoltaText \markup \with-color #red "4." g'4 a' b' | } } c'1 } \score { \test } NOTE: I'm using \markup in the final alternative just to

Re: Changing volta number text

2021-05-14 Thread Aaron Hill
." e'4 f' g' | } { d'4 c' b' | } { \changeVoltaText \markup \with-color #red "4." g'4 a' b' | } } c'1 } \score { \test } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Lyrics and Repeats

2021-05-18 Thread Aaron Hill
pping. Lyrics "b" and "c" start at the same time, both waiting until "a" is done. Note that "d" continues on the second line as it is part of the same context as "c"; however, "e" does wait until "d" is complete before resuming lyrics in the original context. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Handling transpositions gracefully

2021-05-17 Thread Aaron Hill
4. c'8 g4 | a2. \bar "|." } \book { \bookOutputSuffix "C" \transpose c c \asdf } \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Bb" \transpose bes, c \asdf } \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Eb" \transpose ees c \asdf } (I might have messed up the actual transpositions, but you should get the idea.) -- Aaron Hill

Re: Lyrics and Repeats

2021-05-15 Thread Aaron Hill
} \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \skip 4 | j2 k4 \skip 2.*2 | l4 m2 | n2. } >> -- Aaron Hill

Re: Rehearsal mark and fermata over bar line

2021-05-11 Thread Aaron Hill
music. LSR 976 [3] implements its own custom engraver to support an arbitrary number of RehearsalMarks. [1]: [2]: [3]: -- Aaron Hill

Re: Nashville Number System, again

2021-06-04 Thread Aaron Hill
pe (minor key) minor diminished major minor minor major major Chord type (harmonic minor key) minor diminished augmented minor major major diminished So if you wanted "Am Dm Am E7" then that becomes "1 4 1 5M7" in "A minor" and "1 4 1 57" in "A harmonic minor". -- Aaron Hill

Re: \partCombine question

2021-06-02 Thread Aaron Hill
r if there is another option. Even in this case, if no "a2" is present, it would be really nice to have the two voices explicit, to avoid confusion. I would imagine \partCombineApart (or its kin) can help with this. -- Aaron Hill

Re: SVG export - how might you add classes for all graphical objects?

2021-06-29 Thread Aaron Hill
(grob-interface engraver grob source) (add-class-name grob) \layout { \context { \Score \consists \SvgAddClassName } } { \tweak output-attributes #'((class . foo)) b'4 } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Change size of all notes in one voice with partCombine

2021-07-01 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2021-07-01 10:44 pm, Aaron Hill wrote: [...] Also, here's a minor refactor of \localFontSize better separating some concerns: \version "2.22.0" localFontSize = #(define-music-function (font-size music) (number? ly:music?) (map (lambda (m) (ly:music-set-p

Re: Change size of all notes in one voice with partCombine

2021-07-01 Thread Aaron Hill
t sets an internal state for the part combiner, however you must use \partCombine to invoke the combiner. Consider: soprano = { f'4 g'4 a'4 b'4 c''2 } tenor = { d'4 e' f'' g' a'2 } \partCombine { \partCombineChords \soprano } { \stemUp \localFontSize -3 \tenor } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Warning: avoid-slur not set

2021-07-03 Thread Aaron Hill
d \major \stemDown ( ) fs } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Parenthensize a horizontal group?

2021-06-30 Thread Aaron Hill
want to do something like: \mark "(" a8 bes \mark ")" and have the parens aligned on the center of the staff. Does LSR 902 [1] help? [1]: -- Aaron Hill

Re: Parenthensize a horizontal group?

2021-06-30 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2021-06-30 9:07 pm, Aaron Hill wrote: On 2021-06-30 9:00 pm, Mark Probert wrote: Hi. I've looked through docs and snippets and can't seem to find a way to place parens around a horizontal group of notes (an "optional" indicator for leadsheets). I've tried \parenthesiz

Re: SVG export - how might you add classes for all graphical objects?

2021-06-29 Thread Aaron Hill
elements of Scheme programming. (Mention the word "lambda" once, and everyone assumes you are a pure functional zealot.) Regardless, I have tended to favor a more imperative approach lately, something that is likely to be more consumable for users of LilyPond. -- Aaron Hill

Re: SVG export - how might you add classes for all graphical objects?

2021-06-29 Thread Aaron Hill
SRFI says that alist-delete does not modify the original structure, only that it might return an alist with a common tail. And on this point, should LilyPond provide an ly:assoc-set to pair with ly:assoc-get that avoids potential issues with shared structures? -- Aaron Hill

Re: SVG export - how might you add classes for all graphical objects?

2021-06-29 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2021-06-29 1:45 pm, David Kastrup wrote: Aaron Hill writes: Hrm... would it be better to explicitly alist-copy the result from ly:assoc-get? Actually, I guess you could do: (alist-cons 'class ... (alist-delete 'class attribs)) Either that or not even bother about deleting

Re: error :GUILE signaled an error for the expression beginning here #

2021-07-11 Thread Aaron Hill
"File Name =" $#{ \filename #} } All the more reason to leave 2.18.2 behind and just focus on the newer versions of LilyPond. -- Aaron Hill

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