
The weekly Linaro Release Meeting will be held at 17:00 UTC tomorrow.
The agenda for the meeting can be found at:


and previous action items were:

 * Mounir to investigate the status of the Panda display problem
 * Mounir to ask the kernel team to triage bugs at

If you have points to raise or bugs that need to be discussed please add
them to the wiki page above. This meeting is for everyone to discuss
issues that may affect the ability to showcase Linaro's efforts in the 
released images so please add anything to the agenda that you feel falls
into this category.

The agenda will change a little this week, we will have image reports
for our target releases done by:

 * Ubuntu Desktop and others - Tom Gall
 * Linaro Android - Patrik Ryd (Jamie Bennett this week)

The full agenda is:

 * Announcements - Jamie Bennett with time for others to announce
 * Action Item Review - Jamie Bennett chasing
 * Image Status - Tom Gall and Patrik Ryd
 * Bugs - Jamie Bennett chair, others discuss
 * Team release-related reports (any team-focused release topics)
 * Any Other Business (AOB)

Linaro Release Manager   |   Platform Project Manager

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