Hi All,

The daily linaro-alip snapshots which can be found at :
http://snapshots.linaro.org/10.11-daily/linaro-alip/ are now to a
reasonable point where I'd be most appreciative of any and all
feedback to improve the image in ways that would be useful to you or
anticipated users of the linaro-alip when 10.11 is released.

Feel free to either copy the list or email me directly
(tom.g...@linaro.org) or grab me on irc, tgall_foo or Dr_Who.

At this point I believe the next steps are mostly along the lines of
slimming down the image size, removing things that just aren't needed.
The image as is currently 460Megs of gz'd tarball is a bit hefty.

Linaro User Platforms

"We want great men who, when fortune frowns will not be discouraged."
- Colonel Henry Knox
w) tom.gall att linaro.org
w) tom_gall att vnet.ibm.com
h) tom_gall att mac.com

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