<pfefferz> all right
 so welcome to 12.02!
 the goal is to mkae snowball work great
 and origen
 iMX53 is semi blocked
<bero> There's still stuff to try there
<pfefferz> and panda gets a lot of attention
<bero> But it would be really useful to get some more information
<pfefferz> bero, lets hold off on iMX53 until we have more info
<jackh> the three bugs assigned to me, i tried this afternoon, two of them
still there
<pfefferz> can you send the current issue set in?
 jackh, cool
<jackh> the gallery one does not there
<pfefferz> did you update the thrid?
 that's good
 feel free to list the build where you don't see it
 in the bug
 we have a new team member
 jackh, aka Chenglie
 has joined us from IBM
<jackh> it's Chengjie He
<pfefferz> welcome Chengjie
<bero> Welcome jackh
<pabhishek> welcome jackh
<pfefferz> right ;)
<jackh> haha, just call me jacky for short...
<bhoj2> welcom jackh :)
<botao_sun> jackh: I will give you a brief later about compiling the code.
<pfefferz> its great to have you on the Android team Chengjie He
 we'll do another welcome round on wednesday  ;)
<jackh> pls do it face to face, zach...
 haha, joking
<pfefferz> :)
 so we're gonna focus on getting our tests all green
 its a big job
 as usuual
 we've had some good pickup by the member companies of our concerns
 so we shouldn't be as blocked as we were
 we also have connect abs and elc
 as a reminder all presentations for elc and abs have to be submitted a
week before the event
 for everyone doing a session
 please have a rough agenda listed
 something like
 here's where we are
 here's where we need to be
 I'm going to take a more passive role during other people's sessions this
 any questions or comments?
<mansson__> Prepare a "lightning talk" version of your session (5 min.)
 good to have.
<pfefferz> good point mansson__
<pfefferz> the highest prio thing we have right now
 is the demo at connect
 most everyone is involoved in getting it to happen
 I suspect we'll be spending a bunch of time in the hacking sessions making
it work
 I have to get a poster together
 so one more thing
 people arte really starting to use our builds
 1. because they're easy to use
 2. they work
 3. they can talk to us on irc
 this means they're looking at our BPs to see how our work is progressing
 so that's all I had
 thanks for setting the meeting up Tony
 anyone have anything else?
<mansson__> I think everything is pretty clear. We continue to make a
lasting impression on human evolution. Making ARM Linux history.
<pfefferz> exactly!
<mansson__> 15 out of 50 talks at ELC are by Linaro people.
<pfefferz> hehe
 not bad for a non-sponser
 seriously guys
 we're changing the world
 every little thing we get working
 has a giant impact
<pfefferz> mansson__, would you send this transcript out to everyone?
<mansson__> Yes.
<pfefferz> thanks!
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