Re: [LincolnTalk] Plant ID

2024-05-12 Thread Chevalier
It's non-native in Mass and may be "thuggish" to borrow an apt phrase from Robin Wilkerson but it is not state listed as invasive.Visit MIPAG for the state listed invasive species:Plants voted as: INVASIVEmassnrc.orgVisit Go Botany for more about Ajuga reptans — carpet bugleAjuga reptans (carpet bu

[LincolnTalk] ISO specific board games

2021-12-08 Thread Chevalier
Hi LT, I’m looking for any of these games and expansion sets: Catan seafarers expansion Plunder: A pirates life Terraforming mars Gloomhaven Sythe expansion These are Christmas gifts, so would like for them to be in very good to excellent condition. Trying for secondhand gifts before purcha

2021-07-15 Thread Chevalier
Interested in learning Dungeons and Dragons? Used to play but been awhile? Love to play and looking for more adventure? Check out Wandering Albatross and the options for drop-in adventures for kids, teens and adults. Spencer Alton is the Dungeon Master a