e to ask its people to rely so heavily on
such a system.
Jonathan Feinberg eec...@gmail.com http://MrFeinberg.com/
The LincolnTalk mailing list.
To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org.
Browse the archives at https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/privat
Hello, Lincoln. Some of you were at Bemis hall tonight when I performed a
couple of songs from my Commission project, and I got a few questions about
where to hear more, so:
Coffee House was fun! It's good to be back.
Jonathan Feinberg eec...@gmail.com
a woman, sensitive to the needs of
> older adults.
> Any strong recommendations?
If I had any, I wouldn't have been looking for help! :)
Jonathan Feinberg eec...@gmail.com http://MrFeinberg.com/
The LincolnTalk mailing list.
To post, sen
sacrifice integrated urgent
care and lab work for good administration and excellent care. I'm happy to
see a nurse practitioner.
Jonathan Feinberg eec...@gmail.com http://MrFeinberg.com/
The LincolnTalk mailing list.
To post, send mail to Linc
a message to the list, the message is
mailed to all list members, at which point there is no way for you to
remove that message from their email inboxes. You cannot "unpost" or
"remove" a message once sent.
Jonathan Feinberg eec...@gmail.com http://MrFeinberg.com/
rap Message" option replaces the "From" header with the list address
itself, but leaves the original sending address present in the "Reply-To"
header. This Reply-To header is frequently what mail programs actually
display in the "From" column anyways, a
nyone here have any inside information? Have I missed something
Jonathan Feinberg j...@pobox.com http://MrFeinberg.com
The LincolnTalk mailing list.
To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org.
Search the archives at http://lincoln.2330058.n4.nabble.com/.
Browse the archiv
After about 10 years of essentially uninterrupted service, we're now in our
third multi-day outage in four weeks. I've already ordered Comcast
Business, but curiosity compels me to ask whether other folks have had
similar experiences.
Jonathan Feinberg j...@pobox.com http://MrFe