*Hi Swap Shed enthusiasts and dedicated Waste Reducers and Reusers, * The Swap Shed needs* YOU! *Be a part of the re-imagined Swap Shed once a week, once a month, even once every other month. To keep this beloved Lincoln treasure vital and functional, we are looking for cheerful volunteers who care about the planet and about our community, who want to pitch in to keep the Swap Shed open and organized to keep as much out of the waste stream as possible.
Please sign up HERE <https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080e48a9ab2ba0f85-swap> for many shifts or for just one once in awhile. Questions? Contact Emily Haslett at emhasl...@gmail.com or (781) 308-3888. Interested in joining our newly formed Zero Waste Lincoln Committee? Reach out to Emily for details. Join the crowd that is having a blast generously sharing their time! Gratefully, ๐โthe Zero Waste Lincoln Committee
-- The LincolnTalk mailing list. To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org. Search the archives at http://lincoln.2330058.n4.nabble.com/. Browse the archives at https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/private/lincoln/. Change your subscription settings at https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/lincoln.