I thought this email from Dean Stevens (a Boston-area folk singer who “manages” 
the Community Church of Boston) might be of interest to some in the LincolnTalk 


For those unfamiliar with Boylston Street’s CCB, you can check it out here: 


Since 1976, CCB awards an annual Sacco-Vanzetti Memorial Award, and you can 
learn about that (and see the list of past recipients) here: 


Steve Low


From: Dean <d...@deanstevens.com> 
Sent: 12/08/2021 3:46 PM
To: steve....@gordianconcepts.com
Subject: Magpie; Terry Leonon and Greg Artzner  Friday, Dec. 10, 2021; 7 PM 



Terry Leonino and Greg Artzner



MAGPIE! FRIDAY DEC. 10 @  7 PM ET (online)
Happy Holidays, My Friends,
         Join us this Friday, Dec. 10th for Magpie, the legendary long-time 
music duo of Terry Leonino and Greg Artzner. This remarkable fifty year singing 
powerhouse of struggle and song also delivers a beautiful holiday celebration 
concert. We are honored to host them, this Friday.

    This new Community Church of Boston series, Winter Fridays, will continue 
through March 2022. It is completely a benefit for the performers, who as you 
know, have been hard hit by Covid’s toll on their tours and concerts. This is a 
sliding scale project: you can watch the shows for free, but we encourage you 
to either buy a  
 ticket at whatever price you can, or to donate to the Paypal/Venmo Tipjar 
displayed during the concert.  

    Here is the entire remarkable list of Friday Concerts….Spend your early 
Friday evenings with these wonderful musical friends of ours: 

Dec. 10: Magpie & Dean Stevens (opening)
Dec. 17: Lorraine and Bennett Hammond, Dean Stevens (opening)
Jan 7: Suzie Williams and Bill Burnett
Jan. 14: Bob Lucas and Family
Jan. 21: Eric Kilburn
Jan. 28: Jacqueline Schwab
Feb. 4: John and Rachel Nicholas
Feb. 11: Geoff Kaufman
Feb. 18: Danielle Miraglia
Feb. 25: Suzy Williams and Brad Kay 
Mar. 4: Ritt Henn and Beth Falcone

Dean Stevens
Musician, Spanish Interpreter
Central America Traveler, Coffee/Crafts Importer
 <mailto:d...@deanstevens.com> d...@deanstevens.com


 Buy tickets 










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