Again, I am neither an architect, nor a builder.  I do believe I have some
common sense.  Not a lot, but maybe a little.

I have read everyone's posts about the HCA and the Lincoln Mall.  I believe
everyone should vote for option "E" because people on the Planning Board,
although well intentioned,
don't have a crystal ball and are unable to  predict all the many ways they
need to shape and control the re-development of the Mall through bylaws.

As we all agree that the Mall is a development of critical concern for the
town, I find it much safer for the Town to allow a negotiation to happen
between a future developer and the town upon the town receiving a request
for a special permit along with plans and drawings.   Plans C and D1-D3
force the Planning Board to try and guess with bylaws all the ways the mall
could be built by right.  The Mall isn't hidden away from everyone in the
town down a road like many of the many other  Multi Family Properties in
town.   The Mall is front and center in the middle of our transportation
hub of the future and must maintain sufficient parking to allow our
commuters and customers of the retail stores we profess to value.

Let's slow everything down with Option E, require a special permit for the
redevelopment of the Mall and allow the town to work with a developer
individually with plans in hand  so that everyone can be happy.  Plans C
and D1-D3 force the town to only request 10% of the units be affordable and
consider every possibility ahead of time.   Mistakes in the bylaws most
likely will  be made, let's give ourselves a chance to have a successful
redevelopment for the town through a town meeting and Option E.

We will do better with Option E.

Peter Buchthal
Weston Rd
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