[image: image.png] *Happy Earth Week Lincoln friends* 🌍!
There are so many ways to care for the *Earth* this week, this month and all of the time! Join us for our Spring *Gardening for A Changing Climate* series!* Lincoln Land Conservation Trust*, *Codman Community Farms *and *Lincoln Common Ground* are thrilled to offer *workshops* and *Eco Garden Tours *to inspire you towards *eco friendly, climate conscious* practices. Be a part of the *NO MOW MAY* movement! Learn more at *https://www.lincolncommonground.com/nomowmay <https://www.lincolncommonground.com/nomowmay>* Thank you for showing up for the *earth* with *love* this week & always! 🌍💚🌍💚🌍💚 Questions? Contact Emily Haslett, emhasl...@gmail.com
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