-will post others, if/when they appear….

By Matt Murphy with help from Keith Regan
Palfrey's protection plan for public education
View today's edition online 

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Today's News

Good Wednesday morning.

President Joe Biden is expected to announce a plan today 
 for student loan debt relief. But if the Democrat follows through with what 
has been reported as a preference to forgive up to $10,000 for borrowers under 
an income cap, former Biden administration lawyer Quentin Palfrey told 
MASSterList that won't be enough.

Palfrey, one of three Democrats running for attorney general, spent seven 
months as acting general counsel in the U.S. Department of Commerce at the 
start of Biden's term.

"I have been a little critical of Biden for not moving faster and more 
aggressively on this issue. I don't think $10,000 is enough. We ought to go 
much further in terms of canceling students' debt and we must deal with the 
underlying drivers of student debt," Palfrey said. 

Pushing back on student debt is one of the platforms on Palfrey's new education 
platform being released today in which he pledges to follow in the footsteps of 
Attorney General Maura Healey in holding predatory student loan servicers 
accountable. He said enforcement of the new Student Loan Borrower Bill of 
Rights would be a "robust part of our consumer protection agenda."

Palfrey also said he would oppose state receivership of any struggling school 
districts,including Boston, and would fight to preserve the state cap on 
charter schools.

While his support for investing in early education and implementing 
evidence-based sex education will require advocacy and cooperation with the 
Legislature, Palfrey said there's also a legal role for the attorney general to 
play in upholding the affirmative right in the state's Constitution to a 
quality education.

"If we're screwing it up, if the state is failing to meet its constitutional 
duty, I think the AG needs to say so," Palfrey said.

Though he said he believes there is a role for the courts to play in enforcing 
the right to a quality education, he said the solution starts with "naming the 
problem" before pursuing legal actions.

"I do think we may be failing that duty to some of these kids and that's a 
problem that can't be fixed easily or quickly but needs to be taken seriously," 
Palfrey said.

Palfrey's plan also calls for addressing the racial disparities and segregation 
that he said still exist in public schools, expanding access to vocational 
schools by removing barriers to admission and making free school lunches, 
funded in this year's state budget, permanent.

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Sara Mattes

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