Hi there,

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend and the crisp Autumn air. Best time
of the year.

My fiancee and I have bought a condo and will be moving into our first
place as homeowners. All very exciting. We are wondering if anyone in the
community has any spare moving/cardboard boxes in bulk laying around that
you’re no longer using? If so, we would be happy to take them off your
hands if you no longer want them as they’d be quite helpful for us in our
upcoming move. Additionally, if you have any old newspapers, packing paper,
or other moving supplies you no longer use and want to get rid of, all the
better - we'll take them!

If interested, please feel free to reach out individually. We are looking
to pick up next weekend (Nov 13-14th).

Thanks very much,
Julian & Brittany

Julián Huertas | LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/julianmartinhuertas>
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