As I fidgeted in my car, breaking on and off in tune withthe slowness of the 
backed up traffic to get through the famed Flowerpot intersectionthis morning, 
I reflected on the future of South Lincoln and our many recent heateddebates 
about developing dense housing along this throughway-- what thenumbers should 
be and whether 50 or 100, 200 or even 750 new Condo’s would bethe answer for 
the so called “revitalization of South Lincoln”. I glanced atthe long line 
ahead of me, the one lane in either direction and calculated inmy head the 
actual width of Lincoln road. Not much room for a bike lane, Ithought. With all 
those new condo’s would the road have to be widened to ease the traffic? 
Wouldthe houses occasionally so close to the road be taken by the Town as 
eminentdomain and some of the land in front of others also seized by the Town? 
Would alarge looming traffic light replace the flowerpot and a museum be 
created inthe empty Bemis Hall to house these relics and pictures of the past? 
I imaginedthe line of cars stretching as far down the road as the stationless 
traintracks and one to two unlucky cars sandwiched onto the track as the 
trainapproaches. Could all this happen if we don’t carefully think of 
theimplications of promoting zoning changes for the opportunity to have more 
denselypacked housing complexes that surely will contribute to the atmosphere 
of ourprized Town Center? All of this was going through my mind as I slowly 
approachedthe Flowerpot and turned right. Where were those people doing the 
trafficsurvey this morning? 
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