letter to the community from School Superintendent Becky McFall:

It is great to see that our COVID case numbers have remained low following the 
February vacation week. Below is our summary of cases from February 19th 
through March 8th:



Lincoln Preschool


Lincoln K-4



Lincoln 5-8


Hanscom Preschool


Hanscom Primary School


Hanscom Middle School





The cases on the Lincoln campus represent 6 individuals who reside in 4 
different households. The cases on the Hanscom campus represent 6 individuals 
who reside in 3 different households.  Given our knowledge that most instances 
of viral spread take place within households, this is helpful information in 
understanding the level of COVID cases in our school communities.

Case break down by week:

Week of 2/21 – one student and one employee

Week of 2/28 – eight students and one employee

Week of 3/7 – one student 

There were no positive results reported from Monday morning’s at-home testing.  
This morning we received the results of pool testing conducted yesterday.  All 
pools returned negative results.

Tonight (Wednesday), I will be updating the Lincoln Board of Health on our 
positive cases since our last meeting held on February 16th.  The Board of 
Health will be reviewing data and making a decision regarding rescinding the 
Town Mask Mandate.  On Thursday evening, March 10th, the School Committee will 
meet to discuss the mask mandate and protocols for the schools and whether or 
not to move to protocols that include the option of less masking throughout the 
school day.
Per Department of Elementary and Secondary Education guidelines, masking will 
still be required:
In-school health offices
For all individuals returning to school for days 6-10 following a positive test 
For unvaccinated individuals returning to school for days 6-10 after being 
identified as a close contact outside of school
When a school nurse directs an individual or individuals to wear a mask for 
health and safety reasons
Information will be sent out on Friday communicating the results of the Lincoln 
Board of Health and School Committee decisions.  Updated protocols will be 
provided if changes to our mask requirement go into effect.

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